KAMPALA – The World Bank and the European Union in Uganda on Thursday signed a partnership agreement providing an eight million euros (UGX. 31.8 billion) grant from the European Union to support the Government of Uganda to strengthen land tenure, land administration and management systems in Northern and Eastern Uganda.
The project focuses on implementing Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification (SLAAC) process for customary lands and selected peri-urban areas in the Northern and Eastern regions where most of the unregistered land is located.
“This European Union support will enhance security of land rights by consolidating the demarcation and documentation of individually and communally owned customary lands while ensuring inclusion of vulnerable people of both genders,” said European Union Ambassador to Uganda, H.E Attilio Pacific.
“This funding will complement activities to modernize and scale up the land administration system in Uganda, currently being supported under the World Bank funded US$ 200 million Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project,” said Ms. Mukami Kariuki, World Bank Country Manager for Uganda.
“The activities will speed up the provision of land titles to Ugandans, allowing them to leverage the economic potential of land assets.”