KAMPALA – Following the unfortunate killing of Uganda Christian University student, Bewotti Betungura 27, in a chaotic Makerere University guild campaign earlier this month, the university council convened a crisis meeting on 15th July to take quick decisions.
Betungura, who was reportedly a member of Forum for Democratic Change had joined his Makerere counterparts to campaign for his friend and party candidate, Justus Tukamushaba, but he was stabbed to death during clashes with alleged supporters of the National Unity Platform.
Now, the University Council has announced the appointment of a Select Committee which has been mandated to;
i) To conduct a complete review of the implementation of Section 69 of the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act at Makerere University and provide instruments to operationalise the same;
ii) To evaluate the internal process of conducting guild elections at the University;
iii) To investigate the conduct of the office of the Dean of Students, including Hall wardens, Custodians, and all officers under the office of the Dean of Students, in the enforcement of University regulations regarding the management of students’ Halls of Residence;
iv) To assess the role of the Police in providing security in students’ activities at the University;
v) To investigate cases of external influence in students’ activities at the University;
vi) To review the financing of the guild leadership and guild activities at Makerere University;
vii. To address any other matters incidental to the Committee’s mandate.
Accordingly, the committee, which will be chaired by Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, includes other members like Rt. Hon. Daniel Fred Kidega, Eng. Dr. S.P. Kagoda, Assoc. Prof. Sarah Ssali, Mr. Bruce Balaba Kabaasa and Mr. John Chris Ninsiima.
The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee of Council, Helen Nkabala said that the Select Committee shall, in the execution of its mandate, consult with the staff, students, and various stakeholders of the University to receive information on the guild processes leading to violence as well as proposals to help reform Guild Electoral processes at the institution.
She called on all members of staff, students, and stakeholders of Makerere University to submit their written proposals either physically to the Office of the Chairperson, Room 27, Arts Building, or via email: chairguildinvestigation@gmail.com before 10th August 2022 at 5:00 pm.
“Members who wish to submit oral testimonies will have an opportunity to interact with the Committee between 1st and 4th August 2022, starting at 2 pm-6 pm each day in room 3.1, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility (formerly CTF2).”
Helen said that those interested in a virtual engagement should email chairguildinvestigation@gmail.com stating their request, and arrangements will be made.
“The submissions received by the Select Committee shall form the interim report to the Makerere University Council. The report will guide policy formation or amendment of existing regulations relating to student matters at Makerere University.”