KAMPALA — The Minister of Education and Sports Janet Museveni has reappointed National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Managing Director Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha for a second term, as the new Board Chairperson of the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), for a period of 3 years (2022- 2025)
Eng. Mugisha will lead a team of 15 Board Members inline with the Statutory Instrument 2009 No.9 that established UBTEB.
In her speech, Mrs. Janet Museveni in a speech read by State Minister for Higher Education John Chrysestom Muyingo implored the new board to uphold the key principles which must guide their conduct at all times.
She listed selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, leadership, public service and respect.
“Please maintain the highest levels of good conduct and hold each other and all staff accountable to those high standards,” she said.
The Minister said that the outgoing Board has existed since 2010 and that has steadily served the interests of Ugandans especially the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates and employers.
“We all recognize the ever-changing demands of the world of work and the need for quality TVET training, delivery and assessment of graduates for employability.
She said that government resolved to provide new direction through the formulation of the TVET policy, 2019 after noting the loopholes in the BTVET Act 2008, and implementation challenges; as well as the increasing unemployment among the youths.
The Ministry of Education and Sports has also supported both upskilling and benchmarking programmes to reinforce the implementation of much desired TVET reforms, a development she said has delivered on the strategies including the establishment of the TVET Policy Implementation Secretariat, the creation of Departments of TVET-Operations Management, TVET Innovations, Instruction and Research and Health Education and Training.
Mrs. Museveni revealed that government has embarked on making TVET relevant and addressing critical skills gaps by including the modular TVET training strategy in the National Development Plan (NDPIII).
“With these TVET reforms, the role of the industry has become central to the development and design of TVET Curricula, training and assessment. With the new reforms, we remain committed to establishing the TVET Information Management System; Finance TVET Infrastructural Development and the recent rationalization of the TVET Assessment function” she said.
She urged the new board to ensure that quality assessment in TVET Institutions through the accreditation and monitoring mechanisms are not compromised.
“Under your stewardship, I would like us to enhance the quality of assessment and build on the competences and capacity of the Secretariat to execute the Board’s mandate effectively.”
Onesmus Oyesigye, UBTEB executive Secretary commended Dr. Mugisha for spearheading reforms in vocational training including approving the policies and guidelines including the TVET Working Group operational guidelines, Clients Service Charter, Audit Charter and Risk Management Framework, Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
“This, he said is in addition to annual work plans and Budgets”
“He also set a pace for the actual start of the Assessment Centre Construction project and the celebration of the 10 years of existence,” Oyesigye said, noting that the Boards’ support has also “seen us transit towards modular form of assessment which is a commitment in the National Development Plan III and a call from pro-youth employability advocates”.
The first cohort under this bigger arrangement will sit their exams starting 29th July, 2022, according to UBTEB.
Oyesigye however said that both the Construction Project and the Modular Assessment require additional funding of 20bn and 6bn respectively.
Dr. Mugisha’s reappointment is against the background of a successful board tenure from 2019 to 2022.
During the 2019- 2022 leadership years, Eng. Mugisha together with the outgoing Board members achieved key among others, TVET policy 2019 and Reforms, the Board transited from a subvention under the Ministry of Education and Sports to a Vote Function effective 1st July 2021, the Board launched a Strategic Plan 2021- 2025 anchored to the NDPIII, Manifesto among other policies.
Other achievements include Staff Enhancement from 37.1% to 47.3%, steady positive increase in resource allocation to UBTEB over the the years from Ugx 28.56Bn to Ugx 31.875Bn for F/Y ending 30th June 2022 and 33.733BN this F/Y.
Mugisha-led Board also unveiled plans for the construction of the UBTEB Assessment Center at Kyambogo, increment in the accredited assessment centers and candidature from 15, 903 candidates from 184 accredited examination centers to now 615 centers and 92, 223 candidates and partnership with the world of work and professional bodies/assemblies.
Others are;
Passing of the Board Policies and Documents
ISO 9001:2015 certification
Celebrated 10 years of existence in Uganda.
UBTEB Board Members 2022- 2025
Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha- Managing Director, NWSC
Dr. UmarDeputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs
Prof Maud Kamatenesi- Mugisha- Vice Chancellor, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara
Mr. Deus Mutesigensi Faida- Principal, Uganda College of Commerce, Pakwach
Ms. Nakyobe Safinah- Ag Deputy Director/Qualification Standards, Directorate id Industrial Training.
Mr. David Ochieng- Assistant Commissioner, Selection Systems, Public Service Commission
Mr. David Mubiru Luyima- Principal Education Officer Technical/BTVET
Mr. Richard Musafiri- Principal Industrial Officer Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives
Mr. Simon Amuku- Senior Staff Surveyor, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
Eng John V Twinomujuni- Commissioner Urban Water and Sewerage Services, Ministry of Water and Environment
Mr. Micheal Ocero- Assistant Commissioner/ Information Technology, Ministry of Information Communications Technology and National Guidance
Mr. Francis Bongonyinge- Assistant Printery Manager, UNEB
Mr. John Habiyaremye- Manager Human Resource and Administration, National Curriculum Development Center.
Mr. Joshua Lukaye- Ag Assistant Commissioner, Exploration Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.
Ms. Oyuru Jennifer- Assistant Commissioner Agriculture Extension Skills Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries