KAMPALA —Mr. Ronald Mivule, the former chairperson of the Uganda Management Institute (UMI) alumni association has punched holes in the Makerere University Convocation election process, citing gross irregularities with the manner in which the much sought-after elections will be held.
Makerere University Convocation is the statutory body that brings together its staff, alumni and other stakeholders. Elections for the Convocation’s 2023 to 2027 office bearers will be held on Friday, 30th December, 2022.
In an open letter to Makerere University Alumni community, Mr. Mivule has highlighted glaring ignorance, apathy, bureaucracy and even suspected forgery that is threatening to mar the upcoming exercise.
“Participation in convocation elections has been restricted to physical presence at Makerere University Kampala yet our Alumni are residents all over the world,” Mivule wrote in a letter, urging that members could instead use the Annual General meeting on 30th December to initiate the process of amending the constitution and provide for online voting instead of holding an election that will exclude close to a million Alumni.
He says requirement to be physically present at a specified time and on a specified venue would exclude thousands of potential voters who would already be upcountry for Christmas and the New Year festivities
“Whoever chose this date must have had ill motives,” he adds.
According to available information, by end of Tuesday, December 20 , 2022, less than 1,500 persons had subscribed
The record book requires subscribers to indicate years when they were at the university. However, at least twenty persons who had subscribed to serial numbers 1000 and 1119 were university staff who may never have been students at the institution.
Mivule says a century old University deserves an Alumni Association that focuses exclusively on the interests of the former students.
Citing the legal opinion of the Solicitor General, Mivule suggests to members that since the term of office of the current Chairperson expires in August 2023, the Makerere Conversation uses the remaining period to push for constitutional amendments for a meaning Association.
The Makerere University Convocation says its Mission is to mobilise members and well-wishers to support the welfare and progress of Makerere University and to participate in the enhancement and improvement of intellectual and material well being of the university community, including fostering close friendship and professional relations among members and between the Convocation and the university.
Among the objectives of the Convocation are to engage in fund-raising for the University and for the Convocation. The Convocation also aims to foster and promote the spirit of institutional ownership and loyalty to Makerere University and encourage sustained dialogue with the university community.
The Academic Registrar Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza is a returning officer for the polls.
In fulfillment of Article XII Section 12.1 of the Convocation’s constitution, Buyinza has issued guidelines for the elections, stating that the election of office bearers will “be in the manner as determined by the Convocation Constitution”, adding that only fully paid-up members shall be eligible for election.
Buyinza says, “Nomination to any office on the Convocation Executive shall only be conducted at the meeting at which elections are to be conducted, and every nomination shall be proposed and seconded by members present”.
He has called on all persons who are interested in standing for the position of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to express interest in writing to the Academic Registrar.
Buyinza said the Venue for the election would be the Auditorium of the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility (CTF), starting at 9:00 am.
He required all paid-up members to STRICTLY come with proof of payment of annual subscription/ a receipt issued by the Convocation Secretariat and their ORIGINAL National Identification.