KAMPALA — Pr. Samuel Newman of Full Knowledge of God International Ministries in Kampala has described as God-guided a decision by Church of Uganda to ditch the disgraced authority of Canterbury which has come under intense scrutiny over it’s support of same-sex marriages.
This is after that Anglican church in Uganda recently threatened to break ties with the Church of England, an Ecclesia Anglicana— condemning what they call a drift from the Biblical faith within the Church.
The Church of Uganda has since listed other theological and liturgical issues.
Speaking at day one of the National prayer conference aimed at petitioning God for revival in all sectors of Uganda, Pr. Newman said that the decision by the Anglican Church is full proof that Uganda is a remnant nation as it was written in the Romans Chapter 9:28-29.
Remant is a small minority of people who will remain faithful to God and so be saved.
“If the Lord never left us a descendant, we would have turned into Sodom and Gomorrah so if the Church of Uganda is separating from Canterbury over homosexuality, that moves on to confirm that we as a nation of Uganda, we are a remnant nation which vowed to stand for God”.
Sodom and Gomorrah were two legendary biblical cities destroyed by God for their wickedness. Their story parallels the Genesis flood narrative in its theme of God’s anger provoked by man’s sin.
“We should all acknowledge God’s creation of humankind as male and female and the unchangeable standard of Christian marriage between one man and one woman as the proper place for sexual intimacy and the basis of the family,” Pr. Newman said during a Conference being held under the theme; Campaign and Do Revival and Restoration of all Saints.
The conference which started today, Tuesday 13 will run up to Thursday 15 December, 2022 at Wankulukuku stadium in Kampala.
Pr. Newman also urged all the people of God to repent their failures to maintain christian values.
“What is going to change this nation is all of us to realize that we are a nation, we stand for God and our country. If we turn back to the Lord, the Lord will begin to give guidance, blessing in the light of the Word of God, everything will change. The church has got to give our political leaders light on what does God expect them to do”.
Commenting of the abductions and jailing of President Museveni political opponents, Pr. Newman said the only way to stop them is the nation to stand in unison.
“As we’ve heard that the Holy Spirit is willing and eagerly wanting to mightily move in this nation, we have all know in Genesis 1: 1-2 that in the beginning as God created heaven and earth, the earth was all mixed up, everything was a mess. But when the Holy Spirit came, it began to put everything we see in order. So anytime you hear the Holy Spirit’s coming to move, the first thing he will do, he sets things in order.”
He believes condemning abductions won’t help, the solution is to stand in the call.
“…and when we all stand in a call, the Holy Spirit will come upon this nation.”
He added: “The Holy Spirit will change the hearts which have been hardened to become soft and the Holy Spirit will draw people to repent. Anytime there is no light of knowledge in the world. Satan can use humanity over every evil. This has ever happened in Israel in 2 Chronicles, Chapter 15:1-10, in those days, Bible says Israel departed from the Lord, and in that time, they saw a lot of turmoil troubles, one fighting against another because they’re departed from the Lord, when the Prophet arose in their midst to reveal to them that it is because of they departed from the Lord. Why there are no problems. The Bible says that from the King to the list, they repented and they made a new covenant to stand for God.”