KAMPALA – Kampala International University (KIU) has for consecutive years maintained its position as the best private university but also the second-best in Uganda, according to the January 2023 Webometrics Edition, the largest academic ranking of higher education institutions in the world.
Webometrics combines Research and Web indicators as the metrics in the ranking.
KIU emerged second to Makarere in the Impact of Research content.
In third place is Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), followed by Kyambogo University and then Busitema University.
Gulu University comes in sixth place, followed by Uganda Martyrs University and MUBS in eighth place.
Webometrics is a ranking system for the world’s universities based on the volume of web content, visibility, and the impact of web publications. The ranking is published by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) located in Madrid, Spain, and recognized globally.
Full rankings