KAMPALA —King Ceasor University (KCU), a private cosmopolitan university in Uganda has named Makerere University’s long-serving Academic Registrar, Mr Alfred Masikye Namoah to head the education directorate.
Mr. Masikye is a Social Scientist/ Graduate teacher by profession.
He holds a Certificate in Peace and Conflict Transformation, from European University Centre for Peace Studies, a Masters of Development Studies from the University College in Dublin and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from Makerere University, as well as a Bachelors of Arts in Makerere University.
Mr Masikye served as the academic registrar at Makerere University for ten years and six months.
He has previously worked as a Lecturer at Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development, where for 7 years; he succeeded in training community development staff in community mobilization skills.
He then joined Makerere University administration as Senior Assistant Registrar under the Academic Registrar’s office at the Institute of Science and Applied Economics (ISAE), and thereafter rising to the position of Senior Deputy Registrar, Makerere University School of Graduate Studies.
He has previously served as representative of the Administrative staff on the Makerere University Council.
The university has also inaugurated a 15-member university council and also unveiled in the ceremony presided over by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa.
The council, a highest decision-making body at the university will be chaired by ICT and national guidance Minister Chris Baryomunsi.

Tayebwa urged the new university council to put up systems and ensure sustainability.
“Make sure the university survives beyond the promoters and financiers,” Tayebwa, urging the new university council chairperson to tap into the experience of his members to move the university forward.
“You need to review the courses and the curriculum properly and also look at staff to student ratio and the teaching load of the lecturers,” he said, noting that all the changes should be deliberate.

On his part, HM.H.E King Ceasor Augustus Mulenga, the University Chancellor said KCU which hosts faculty and students from 32 nationalities including some from Asia and Europe is putting in place a competent management team that has transformative power to follow through on regulatory requirements, inclusive, equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
“At KCU as already mentioned we have cosmopolitan faculty, students, parents, partners, donors and governments that have been supportive of our mission. All of us are invited to support, give guidance and encouragement to join hands to make King Ceasor University successful,” King Ceasor said.

In the first quarter of this year, he said the university seeks to acquire charter status and create a digital society across the University Community.
The university also seeks accreditation of key programs by the National Council for Higher Education among other targets including staff appraisal and restructuring.
Council Members
In the colorful ceremony conducted by Her worship Farida Bukirwa, Judge of the High Court, ICT Minister Chris Baryomunsi was sworn in as chairperson of the Council while Mrs. Elizabeth Gabona is the deputy chairperson.
Prof. Byamugisha Josephat, Dr. Pakoyo Fadhiru Kamba, Mrs. Anitah Rukundo,
Ambassador Charles Ssentongo, Dr Charity Basaza Mulenga and Mr. Egesa Ronald Leonard have all been sworn in today.
Other council members nominated on the council are Mr. Donald Nyakairu,
Mr. Lawrence Ssemakula, Mrs. Joyce Lanyero Okello, Dr. Pamela Kasabiiti Mbabazi, Mrs. Grace Nshemeire-Gwaku, Dr. Joel Mirembe – Staff Representative and Guild President (In Process of electing new office bearers).
Mr Ssekandi Gonzagga Kironde is the University secretary/ Secretary to Council.