Open For Business, a coalition of global companies, many of which have employees, customers, suppliers and investments in Uganda has today written to President Museveni to expressing concern at the recently passed Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda and asking him to refuse to provide assent to the Bill.
A business statement was shared with the President – as well as the Uganda Investment Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – detailing business concerns with the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which they say will make it harder for Uganda to foster a dynamic and diversified modern economy that is attractive to investors, tourists and skilled workers.
“[It will] put Ugandan employers in an untenable and unconscionable position regarding treatment of LGBTQ+ employees.”
Analysis by Open For Business has estimated the cost of LGBTQ+ discrimination in a number of countries.
For example, in neighbouring Kenya LGBTQ+ discrimination costs the economy up to USD 1.3 billion a year.
Yvonne Muthoni, Open For Business Kenya Country Director said the bill is extremely concerning for businesses across the region.
“This is not just an LGBTQ+ issue: as our research has shown, African economies need a more open and welcoming environment for all minorities, including sexual minorities. As well as the human cost, this legislation will hurt – not help – the Ugandan economy”.
Written in consultation with Ugandan LGBTQ+ civil society organisations, the Open For Business letter calls on President Museveni to refuse to provide assent to stop the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. The Open For Business letter and statement are welcomed by Ugandan activists. A joint statement by three leading groups said:
“We urge global corporations with investments in Uganda to openly express their apprehensions regarding the Bill and its possible impact on their employees, investors, and shareholders. (Statement by Sexual Minorities Uganda, Uganda Key Populations Consortium and Convener Chapter Four Uganda)
Jon Miller, Open For Business Founder and Chair said:
“Businesses operating in Uganda want the Ugandan economy to thrive, but all the evidence shows that regressive anti-LGBTQ+ policies are likely to have the opposite effect. In our view this Bill will make Uganda a less attractive place to do business and invest”.
Open For Business is a coalition of global companies making the case that inclusive and diverse societies are better for business and better for economic growth. The purpose of the coalition is to advance LGBT+ rights globally.
The coalition has live regional programs in the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe and East Africa, with a program in South East Asia in development. Each of these programs works with local civil society partners to mobilise advocates in local business communities and facilitate data-driven advocacy.