NAKASEKE – The Ministry of Health top officials led by the Minister of Dr Jane Aceng Ocero are today Tuesday, April 11 in Nakaseke to assess health services delivery.
The visit started at Luwero General Hospital that was recently upgraded from a health centre IV. At the morning briefing chaired by the Minister, the team was divided into two groups one led by the Minister of Health and another by the Minister for State General duties Hon Anifa Kawooya.
Dr Aceng emphasized the government’s commitment to complete the elevation the facility. She also communicated the availability of some funds for Result Based Financing.

“Pay attention to the distance between Health facilities. We need to know the number of sub-counties in Nakaseke, how many have Health Centre IVs, how many sub-counties that have no health centres and Nakaseke General Hospitals, ” the Minister requested the teams.
The Minster is accompanied by the Minister for State (General Duties) Anifa Kawooya , the PS Dr Diana Atwine, Director General Dr Henry Mwebesa, Director of Governance and Regulation Dr Joseph Okware, Director Clinical Services, Dr Olaro Charles, the Commissioner Health Infrastructure Eng George Otim, Commissioner Reproductive Health Dr Jesca Nsungwa Sabiiti, Ag Commissioner Clinical services Dr Rony Bahatungire, Principal Biomedical Engineer Eng. Tadeo Byabagambi, Project Coordinator Rehabilitation of General Hospital Peter Wafula kazindu, Minister’s liaison George Willian Ssewamala and Senior PRO Emmanuel Ainebyoona.
Minister’s team has arrived at Kinyogoga Health centre III