KAMPALA- Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is set to constitute a City Roads Committee which will oversee the seasonal maintenance and construction of roads within the city.
KCCA Executive Director Dorothy Kisaka has says the development is in line with the legal requirement from the Uganda Road Fund (URF),
According to URF, the committee will be made up of both political and technical leaders including the Lord Mayor, Town Clerks, Mayors, and MPs who will be tasked with selecting the chairperson of the committee.
The committee will be responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency in the use of URF funds allocated for road maintenance.
“We are very glad that the political leaders are going to be involved in the maintenance of roads. Next we shall meet and have this committee formed,” said Kisaka in a statement.
The City Roads Committee is established under Section 25(2) of the Uganda Road Fund Act, 2008 and the attendant regulation outline their roles which essentially is to provide oversight over Road Funds allocated to local governments to undertake routine and periodic road maintenance of their roads.
In the 2022/2023 financial year, the URF allocated KCCA UGX 26 billion for the maintenance of roads in the city, with UGX 21 billion already disbursed. The remaining UGX 5 billion will be used to fix some of the roads scheduled for rehabilitation.
Under the URF Act 2008, all districts and cities are required to form roads committees and the URF sees the committees as its contact point in the district or cities for the purpose of guiding transparency and realistic annual programs.
“The City Roads Committee is important and road users ought to pay attention to the roles that the committees play as the quality and road conditions in the districts and cities are highly dependent on the oversight services provided by members of the City Roads Committee,” the URF stated.
Under the URF Act, all districts and Cities have an obligation to form roads committees. ?