KAMPALA – The National Standards Council (NSC) has appointed Mr. Daniel Richard Makayi Nangalama as the Acting Executive Director of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS).
His boss David Livingstone Ebiru – who is being investigated over misappropriation of Shs12.5 billion shillings was last week sent into forced leave for six months by the Minister of Trade, Industries and Cooperatives, Francis Mwebesa.
While appearing before Parliament’s Committee on Commissions Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) on Wednesday last week, Mr Ebiru confessed that he had bribed his council with Shs100 Million to rescue his job which was at stake.
He would, however, on Friday retract his statement calming that it was out of anger.
On Monday, the Office of the Inspector General of Government (IGG) issued an arrest warrant against him over allegations of corruption.
“Whereas Mr David Livingstone Ebiru was ordered to appear before the Inspectorate of Government at 2:00pm on 21st day of July, 2023 and subsequent days to testify what he knew and or to furnish information in relation to the above-stated inquiry, and the said Mr David Livingstone Ebiru has not appeared according to the summons issued in that regard and has not furnished any information for his failure to respond to the summons,” said the Deputy IGG Ms Anne Twinomugisha Muhairwe in a statement.
The summons adds that “Now, therefore, you are hereby this warrant ordered to apprehend, bring or have the said Mr David Livingstone Ebiru and brought before the Inspectorate of Government.”
Mr. Daniel Nangalama has been serving at the Bureau as the Deputy Executive Director in charge of Management and Financial Services.