KAMPALA – The month-long Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) November/December 2023 examination series across the country has commenced today, Monday, November 19.
Over 100,000 students were briefed on Friday 17th at 624 examination centres ahead of kick off.
Onesmus Oyesigye – Board Executive Secretary noted that they successfully registered a total of 102,132 candidates for this particular series compared to July-August’s 64,387 candidates, the highest number of candidates registered since the covid-19 lockdown.
“Of these candidates, 34,822 are female and 67,310 are male. This is positive growth in the number of candidates enrolled in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Uganda. The girl child numbers have continued to show a positive trend.”
As part of enhancing inclusive education, Oyesigye revealed that they registered a total of 481 candidates with special needs (298 males and 183 females) pursuing various TVET professions.
“Of these candidates, 95 candidates will require special attention. The SNE cases include; Dyslexia, Visual impairment (blind), Hard of hearing (deaf), and Physical disability. The Special needs candidates will be accorded special examination arrangements such as sign language interpreters and transcribers, while others will be accorded extra 30 minutes. The Board has accordingly deployed 95 support personnel to assist candidates with special needs.”
Mr. ES noted that in a bid to minimize the reoccurrence of examination malpractices, the Board directed Heads of Centres to form Examinations Task forces at the institutional level responsible for ensuring examinations are done in compliance with UBTEB rules and standards.
Also, a total of 750 reconnoiters for all phases of examinations have been deployed to ensure vigilance and security of examinations.
“Given the practical and hands-on assessment of some modules, the Board is to deploy 2,685 practical Assessors and verifiers to conduct on-spot assessment of candidates in all the respective fields of study,” he said.
UBTEB encouraged all Heads of centres to adhere to the UBTEB rules and regulations on conduct of examinations and all candidates to desist from involvement in any form of examinations’ malpractices.
“Any form of involvement shall attract severe penalties ranging from cancellation of all results for the entire semester/term, imprisonment or caution.”