RWAKITURA —President Museveni has reiterated that Uganda will not allow foreign countries to interfere in its internal affairs.
The President made the assurance as he addressed the nation on the progress of operations against the ADF and other security matters.
The live-televised address was held at President Museveni’s country home in Rwakitura, Kiruhura District.
He admitted that Uganda is part of Africa that was colonised in the past due to chiefs who were selfish and greedy but now the country is independent with good governance.
“Later alone the Churches also came up during colonialism and by the time we came in, in the 1960s, this is what we confronted, and this is how we evolved the four principles: Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, Socio-economic transformation and democracy. Now with these, we cannot fail, and you have already seen what has happened like the economy,” the President stressed.
“Therefore, we are a society of wealth creators, some of our people who get carried away by linking up with foreign interests, they forget our strength. All those things you saw here, these are all ours, nothing foreign or from anybody. So, for somebody to come and tell you that unless you follow what we tell you, I will not do this, is really not serious. The weaknesses we had were governance with our leaders who were dividing us. And that is how the NRM came and opposed those divisions.”
President Museveni further assured Ugandans that they should not worry about the foreign pressure but concentrate on among others, fighting corruption amongst themselves because it is one of the real issues affecting the country.
“These are the real problems, not the foreign pressure; to protect our environment because when we damage our swamps and our lakes and forests, this is what can hurt us since it affects our ability to produce. Then the other issue that we need to concentrate on is regional integration because we need to have a bigger market which is very crucial.”