In a surprise move, President Yoweri Museveni has recalled all military officers from the police force, effective immediately. The decision, announced on Friday, sees the departure of senior UPDF officers who had been serving as directors in the police.
Except for two officers – Tom Magambo, Director of Criminal Investigations, and Christopher Damulira, Director of Crime Intelligence – all other military officers have been recalled to the UPDF headquarters in Bombo, awaiting deployment.
The shake-up also saw significant changes in the police leadership. AIGP Rtd. Abas Byakagaba has been appointed as the new Inspector General of Police, deputized by AIGP James Ocaya. Ocaya’s previous role as Director of Research, Planning, and Development has been taken over by AIGP Hadijah Namutebi.
SCP Moses Kafeero has been appointed as the new Human Resources Director, replacing Godfrey Golooba. AIGP Fadil Kaali has taken over as Director of Fire and Rescue Services, replacing AIGP Joseph Mugisa, whose contract ends in June.
AIGP John Nuwagira has been transferred to the Field Force Unit’s Commandant, replacing Kaali. Nuwagira’s previous role as Director of Operations has been taken over by SCP Frank Mwesigwa.
The changes mark a significant shift in the police leadership and signal a new direction for the force. The recalled military officers, including Maj. Gen. Katsigazi and Kandiho (Abel), will await deployment at the UPDF headquarters.
The President’s move is seen as an effort to strengthen the police force and improve its operations. The changes have been welcomed by many, who see it as a positive step towards enhancing the country’s security apparatus.