MBALE – Going back to an old school might look a little different, but it can still be exciting! It might also be back challenging and—with new students already in the school for second term.
But the old students Masaba are ready to take advantage of the new term to grow and live a positive lifestyle by getting involved in Masaba secondary schools’ philanthropy.
“On 1 June, we’re going to the school to talk about six great ways to join in and give back to our school because it made us and we are proud of it,” said Dr Jonathan Wangisi, the chairperson organising committee.
Dr Wangisi revealed that Masaba secondary school A;umumai Asssspciat ionstudents Association [MASSA] will become a uniting factor and a networking opportunity for old students of Masaba.
He said that Masaba SS was an academic giant and that they are determined to through MASSA to reignite the lost flame.
Dr Baniru Masaba, the chairman MASSA told this reporter that the old students carry a moral responsibility to help old schools develop.
“It is therefore imperative for old students to wake up from their slumber and actively work towards the revival and improvement of Masaba secondary school,” said Dr Masaba.
Mr Muhammad Khamis, an old student of Masaba SS said it is officially 1 June, which means two things—the holiday has come to an end and beginning of a new term has just started.
He noted that as old student of the school they will reminisce about the good old days when they enjoyed access to top-notch facilities although the school today finds it a challenge to extend the same privileges to today’s and tomorrow’s generations.
Dr Wangisi says that the old students are determined to develop and keep social contacts among the Alumni of the School, alive, active and to serve as a forum to promote and foster the relationship between the alumni, present students, the staff and the management of School with the basic objective to exchange ideas, which besides being mutually beneficial, will generally help in achieving excellence and professional competence and contribute to improve the quality of Education.
He revealed further that old students forum under MASSA will also provide a platform to foster, encourage and build the sense of belonging among the members of the alumni, the present students, the staff and Management of the School with the common goal of all round development.
“We also intend to establish and encourage healthy academic, social and cultural atmosphere among the members of the Alumni and through that process serve the school in its academic pursuit,” said Dr Wangisi.
He added that besides they will also strive to bring together all talents of the Alumni to help, all round development of the students and alumni of Masaba SS, to support it in furtherance of its academic and professional aims, objectives and activities of the school.
“And of course MASSA will be a forum for sharing of knowledge pertaining to commerce, industry, political, education, Education, culture and for conducting technical update programs, arranging lectures by eminent persons that are necessary from time to time, to maintain continuous contact and friendship with the present and future Alumni,” noted Dr Wangisi.
Adding that MASSA will also organize programs, which inspire and motivate the young students for their intellectual development and will undertake training and other related programs to spread information on any subject in school.
Mr Anthony Wanyoto, an Old boy of the school said although ministry of Education directed in 2002 to remove all asbestos in schools, Masaba SS is stuck with asbestos especially on teachers houses,” we are determined to remove this to save our teachers from health complications,” he said.