KAMPALA — The Katanga trial has adjourned to tomorrow, August 22nd, for further cross-examination of Dr. Richard Ambayo, the Pathologist who examined the deceased’s body. Defence Lawyers, led by Elson Karuhanga, insist that the entry gunshot wound was on the right side of Henry Katanga’s head, contradicting Dr. Ambayo’s testimony that it was on the left side.
The Katanga murder trial resumed today with the Prosecution’s 7th Witness, Dr. Richard Ambayo, a Pathologist attached to the City Mortuary of Mulago National Referral Hospital.
Dr. Ambayo also works with the Uganda Police Medical Department and has done so since 2021. He told the High Court that on November 2nd, 2023, Mulago City Mortuary received a request from Bugolobi Police Station to examine the body of the late Henry Katanga.
Dr. Ambayo testified that he, together with another Pathologist, Dr. Male Mutumba, conducted the post-mortem examination on the already cold and stiff body of Katanga.
The body had an old surgical scar on the buttocks and leg and was identified by Katanga’s daughter, Martha Nkwazi.
The examination revealed an entry bullet wound on the left side of the head, which fractured the skull and exited on the right side near the ear.
Dr. Ambayo and Dr. Mutumba concluded in their post-mortem report that Katanga died of a gunshot wound to his head and was shot at close range. However, no bullet or fragments were recovered from the body.
Dr. Ambayo took photographs of the post-mortem exercise, which have been displayed in court and tendered as Prosecution exhibits.
The widow, Molly Katanga, and her two daughters, Martha Nkwanzi and Patricia Kakwanzi, are facing trial for the alleged murder of their breadwinner and destroying valuable evidence. They are jointly charged with George Amanyire, the family’s shamba boy, and Dr. Charles Otai of Bugolobi Medical Centre, who are charged with being accessories after the murder by assisting the widow to escape punishment.
The offence was committed on November 2nd, 2023, at Chwa 11 Road in Mbuya-Nakawa Division. The accused persons have denied the allegations, and Justice Isaac Muwata is presiding over the trial.