BUHWEJU – Nyakitoko Secondary School in Buhweju district has been closed following the death of student who shot by police as they quelled a violent strike at the institution on Wednesday night.
According to the District Police Commander, Mr Boniface Kinyera, the student identified as Innocent Natuhangana from Senior Four was shot in the back by police as they pursued students who had attacked the residence of the head teacher, Mr Alex Tumuramye, whom they accuse of incompetence.
However, at the time of the attack, Mr Tumuramye was not at home, prompting the students to begin vandalizing the home.
However, officers from the nearby Burere police post responded in time and engaged in running battles with the violent students.
In the process, Natuhangana was shot in the back and Felix Musimenta, a senior six student, was short in hand.
Natuhangana was rushed to Kampala International Hospital in Ishaka before being referred to Mulago Hospital in Kampala but he died on Wednesday morning while being transported to Mulago.
Musimenta is being treated from a local clinic, according to Mr Kinyera.
The DPC said the two police men who shot the students and a security guard at the school called Mr Naboth Kansiime have been arrested.
“It’s regrettable we are guided by the law on the use of fire arms but these officers turned unprofessional and shot at unarmed students, they will answer for their actions,” said Mr Kinyera.
The Resident District Commissioner, Mr Emmy Kateera, on Wednesday said investigations into the matter are underway.