NAGALAMA: Police in Nagalama are holding a woman suspected to have stolen a 4-months-old baby.
Betty Mulekatete, 27, and a resident of Kyampisi Village, Nagalama Subcounty, Mukono District was arrested over the weekend in possession of a stolen baby.
According to the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire, Mulekatete told her husband Umar Nsubuga that she was pregnant and about to deliver as she asked for permission to go to Kisoro and get better care by her family members, something her husband granted.
Mulekatete in a statement told police that she developed complications and got a miscarriage, something she feared to tell her husband thus stealing her friend’s young baby.
On 12th July 2018, Mulekatete convinced her close friend Monica Dusabe if she could help take care of the baby and as the mother went for gardening, she took off with the victim.
Upon return Harera Kalodi and Monica Dusabe were struck by the disappearance of their baby and immediately opened up a case at Kisoro Police Station

Mulekatete went ahead to have the baby circumcised and went back home. However her husband wasn’t convinced by the looks of the baby and decided to tip off the police authorities who intervened and arrested the suspect.
Owoyesigyire said that the suspect confessed not being the biological mother of the baby however told police she bought the child from the mother at a fee of 250000/- (two hundred and fifty thousand Uganda shillings).
The suspect is currently detained at Nagalama Police Station vide CRB 125/2018 pending to be transported to Kisoro Police Station where she is to be arraigned to courts of law on charges on child stealing.