MUKONO- Police in Seeta Nazigo, Mukono district is hunting for the Chairperson Local Council I (LC I) of Busaale village, Nakisunga sub-county, Mr. Abdul Lwanga a 50-year-old man to answer to charges of aggravated defilement and incest to his two grandchildren (names withheld) aged 12 and 16 years.
The two girls have been in his custody after their parents died of HIV/AIDS eight years ago.
These minors reported the matter to the neighbors, then to the Chairperson LC III who took the girls to the hospital for a medical check-up after police was informed.
This led to a search for Mr. Lwanga in his house but found that he had fled with his wife.
According to Mr. Bob Kimbowa one of the residents, he admits that he had heard of some information about the Chairperson having conjugal affairs with his granddaughters but didn’t take it seriously.
He says: “I used to hear the rumors that the chairman was sleeping with his grandchildren but I never took them seriously.”
“I thought people were just making things up to fight the chairman politically.” He added
The two victims were taken to Kojja Health Centre IV where they gave their testimony on how their grandfather had been sleeping with them.
“Jaja has been sleeping with us at night in the house, in the garden, and in the forest when we are collecting firewood,” the 16-year-old recounts.
“He started using me when I was in primary four and every time I reported to the grandmother she could just say that I am going to report the matter to the police and it would end there.” She added.
Some of the locals were disappointed and felt betrayed by their leader.
Jimmy Kabunga said: “We are so disappointed with our chairman. How can a married man turn on children?”
He added: “We went hunting him down but we found when he had fled his home”
The Nakisunga Chairperson LC III Mr. Mubarak Ssekikubo who was also disappointed in his colleague asked residents to reveal Mr. Lwanga’s whereabouts.
Mr. Ssekikubo said: “I call upon whoever knows the whereabouts of Mr. Lwanga to report him to police so as he can answer to the charges against him.”
Efforts to get police comment on this issue where futile.