FORT PORTAL – Police in Fortportal East Division have in custody a school patron of Kasisi Day and Boarding Primary School on allegations of aggregated defilement and sodomy.
A one Ssali Joash 37 who has been on the run was hunted from his hide-out in Bugongi village in Sheema district.
Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson noted that the suspect was reported on the June 12, 2023, for the alleged aggravated defilement and Sodomy, of 3 male pupils in the boarding section.
“After medical examination, it was established one of the pupils had a raptured anus, that proved penetration. Two other victims were found to be negative. All the three male pupils were psychologically traumatised and are still undergoing pyscho-social support.”
“As the police, we do strongly condemn all forms of sexual violence in schools. We are going to ensure the school patron, is held accountable for his crimes of child sexual abuse.”