KAMPALA – The e2 Young Engineers Uganda, an Israeli designed educational enrichment programme for children, has announced three upcoming programmes for children.
The program which teaches practical skills to children in the field of Science Technology Engineering and Maths using the world acclaimed LEGO equipment from Apple has announced a special Christmas package for children aged between 4 and 15 years with a special focus on P.7 leavers.
Managing Director, Young Engineers Uganda, Mr Arinaitwe Rugyendo, told this website yesterday that the aim is to train and prepare children at an early age to gain competencies in problem-solving, creativity, independent thinking, innovation, teamwork, entrepreneurship and appreciate Science and Technology at an early age.
Mr. Rugyendo said the first package is a Christmas package dubbed ‘Bricksmas Science and Tech Camp’ to run daily from December 17th to December 21st.
“Children in this camp will be participating in a variety of Israeli- designed activities classified in four themes of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM),” Rugyendo said.
He added that the second optional offer is the weekend programme which is an accelerated programme that lasts a child one year before progressing to the next stage.
“The weekend programme has 12 intakes and we are now recruiting for the January intake. Each intake lasts one year. Our aim is to meaningfully engage children while their parents are busy with weekend engagements. We are not a bouncing castle or a cartoon network. We are a practical solution for early years and teens in line with the government policy on Early Childhood Education,” Rugyendo added.
He revealed further that the third package is the Holiday Programme dubbed the ‘Children Innovation and Creativity Holiday Programme.’
Starting on 7th January 2019 and ending on January 25th 2019, the programme is meant to engage the children during the holiday as they prepare for their first term in February 2019.
Mr Rugyendo emphasized that parents can choose to enrol for all the three programmes which are taught at different but convenient intervals or choose which one is convenient for them by looking at the three adverts below this story and calling the lines provided.
He said the company now has four centres to enable parental convenience and drop off.
The centres are Little Petals Nursery SCHOOL in Naalya, St Augustine University in Bunga, Padre Pio House Lumumba Avenue, 4th Floor and Royal Palm Nursery & Primary School in Mukono, off Seeta- Bukerere Road.
He said parents can enrol their children by visiting the website www.westkampala.youngengineers.ug or www.youngengineers.ug and fill an electronic form or call the lines provided on the adverts below. parents can visit and inquire from the programme’s social media accounts as provided:
Twitter: @YoungEngUganda
Facebook: Young Engineers Kampala Uganda
The Key Stages and their Age Category:
1. Big Builders (Age 4-6)
2. LEGO Challenge (6-8)
3. GaliLego (8-10)
4. Robbo LEGO (10-12)
5. Robotics & Software Engineering.
Mr. Rugyendo revealed that the driving aim of these programmes which are now spread in 46 countries around the world, is to nurture the next generation of scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs who will drive Uganda’s and the region’s future socio-economic transformation.