KAMPALA – Kampala International University (KIU) has transferred the faculty of Engineering to the sister campus in Ishaka.
According to the university Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mouhamad Mpezamihingo, this year (2020), the University is pushing forward among others the expansion of the Western Campus facilities, a Centre of Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, State of the Art Auditorium and expansion of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
“The expansion of the Western campus program thus made the transfer of the engineering faculty inevitable since laboratories have been set up to provide a better study environment for the engineering students at KIU,” he said.
With the brand new laboratory accessories, the transferred excited engineering students can’t wait to try out and make use of their new equipment.
As students from universities like Makerere, MUST, MUBS and other universities are still enjoying their holiday, their colleagues from KIU resumed their studies on January 6, 2020, for the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020.
Meanwhile, on behalf of the KIU community, the Vice chancellor welcomes students back to the University after the end of the 2019 holiday.
This 2020 session, the University will implement an upgraded and re-designed campus Wide Area Network (WAN) and data centre so as to improve network access and computing services to enhance teaching, learning, research and administration within the University.
More so, the University aims at achieving one of her goals of improving access to qualitative education which will be attained by using a blended Open and Distance Learning mode, a project that will be launched this year.
Since KIU was ranked the best and leading private university in Uganda in a report by webometrics, the University is looking forward to being yet on of the best Universities in the country and the Sub-Sahara region.