KAMPALA — Makerere University has set January 30 as reporting date for freshmen for the academic year 2021.
The university has also issued reporting guidelines, registration and Standard Operating Procedures protocols for reopening of the University.
“The Freshers report on Campus one week earlier than the Continuing students and during this week they are introduced to the key facilities in the University as well as other important aspects of life at the University,” the university wrote.
For example, from Saturday January 30, 2021 to Friday February 5, 2021 (7 Days) will be the Orientation Week for all Freshers at their respective Colleges while observing the COVID-19 SOPS.
Authorities said freshmen will follow a programme drawn by the each College.
After the orientation programme, first year students will undertake an Open Distance and e-Learning education model (ODeL/Blended Learning) subject to further guidance from government.
The university indicated that each student therefore, must have a laptop computer as one of the essential tools for study purposes for the programme offered as learning turns online.
The other guidelines include fees and registration protocols.
The university indicated that for a candidate to qualify to be a bona fide student of Makerere, they must register first.
“Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the first two (2) weeks from the beginning of the semester by every student,” the guidelines indicated— explaining that privately sponsored students will pick their original admission letters after payment of 60% tuition and all functional fees from their respective colleges.
Registration will commence on Tuesday 2nd February, 2021 starting at 9.00 a.m. each day.
“Ensure that you complete all the required enrollment/registration formalities within the prescribed time in order to avoid disappointments later”.
Further details including fees and change and procedures of change of course are available in the IMPONTANT documents downloadable from the links below.