KAMPALA — The Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Dr. Josephine Nabukenya has officially opened training for staff in the Directorate of Human Resources aimed at equipping them with the required knowledge and skills in the operation of the Makerere University automated Human Resource Management System (e-HRMS).
The e-HRMS hands-on training, which has kicked off on Monday 1st February 2021 brings on board the Ag. Director of Human Resources, Managers in the Directorate of Human Resources, College Human Resources Officers/Personnel, as well as Senior and Technical staff in the Directorate of Human Resources. The intensive training that involves feeding data of staff recently submitted to the Directorate of Human Resources into the e-HRMS is scheduled to end on 12th February 2021.
Addressing the Human Resources (HR) and Public Relations (PR) staff, Dr. Nabukenya emphasized that the training is very critical for it enables the team to interface with the usage of e-HRMS, its modalities and be conversant with its application when serving other members of staff in the University.
“This training initiates our members of staff in HR into the automated (e-HRMS) including employment, appraisal, staff development, official leave and among others. Empowered with the necessary skills and knowledge, the HR staff will be the key resource in the digitization process of our human resource records and data,” she said.
She reiterated that on completion of the training by HR staff (12th February 2021), the entire staff of Makerere University effective 15th February 2021, will access the e-HRMS to update their bio data. “In line with confidentiality principles, some sections are designed for staff members to update their information/data while other sections can only be viewed, but will not allow any changes. If any member of staff wishes to update information in those classified sections, he/she will be required to interact with the designated College Human Resources Office or the Human Resources Officer responsible for the particular Administrative Unit upon provision of certified evidence,” she highlighted.
According to Dr. Nabukenya, the University Management has embarked on the change of the Makerere University related e-mail addresses to a single top-level email domain. “The change is a result of the need to transition to the usage of an integrated digital platform, in order to access the administrative services at Mak including the human resources management services among others,
through the recently automated HR management system (e-HRMS).”
She applauded the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) for funding the development of the Makerere University e-HRM system.
On behalf of the team, the Ag. Director of Human Resources- Mr. Sanyu Lawrence thanked the University Management for prioritizing this training in order to ensure efficiency in the management of human resources in the University. “We are going to use the 10 days training to enter data collected from staff into the e-HRM system. Equipping HR staff with skills and knowledge on the usage of the system provides them with firsthand information and expertise with respect to its operation. The HR staff will be in position to guide the entire staff of the University on issues pertaining to the e-HRMS,” remarked Mr. Sanyu.
According to the Directorate of Human Resources (DHR), the first phase of the e-HRMS rolling-out process entailed reconstruction of staff records in the preparation for the use of e-HRMS. On completion of the training HR staff and feeding data into the system, this phase will be followed by requesting all University staff to login to the e-HRMS. Accounts to access the e-HRMS are being
created for each member of staff, to use the single top-level email domain structure (i.e., xxx@mak.ac.ug) to sign-in to proceed with the
profile updating process