KAMPALA —The 2020 Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) Results will be released on Friday July 16, 202, the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has confirmed.
Jennifer Kalule-Musamba, UNEB
Principal Public Relations Officer said the results will be released by the Minister for Education and Sports Janet Museveni at 10:00am.
Musumba said the release exercise will be conducted scientifically from State House Entebbe, in observance of the COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) with only a few invited guests.
She said Multiple media and communication channels, both conventional and social, will be utilized, with live broadcasts to ensure wide access to the public.
She said candidates, parents and other interested parties may use the Short Message Services (SMS) on mobile telecom networks which will post the results of candidates on their mobile sets instantly.
This will be done by typing PLE <Space>
Full Index Number of the candidate, e.g. 003301/368 and send to 6600 on all
mobile telecom networks.
For School administrations, she said results will be uploaded on the examination centre portals to enable schools download the results as they are officially released.
No hard copies of the results will be available at the UNEB offices for now, until a later date when conditions permit, she added.
Musumba said UNEB will officially inform
the District, Municipal and City Inspectors of Schools to collect the hard copies of the results from UNEB offices.
A total of 749, 761 candidates from 14,300 examination Centres registered for PLE in 2020. 53% (395,855) of the registered candidates were females while 47% (353,957) were males. 68.4% (513,091) were funded by government under the Universal Primary Education (UPE) Program.
Overall, the performance of the 2020 candidates is comparable to that of the previous year.