KAMPALA – Uganda Business and Technical Examination Board – UBTEB has on Tuesday evening released the end of programme and Modular examination results for the July/August 2022 series.
The exam results conducted between 29th July to 19th August, 2022 in 544 examination centres were released by The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Museveni at the Office of the President.
Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye – the Board’s Executive Secretary noted that the examinations were in the categories of; Technical Higher and National Diploma Programmes, Technical National Certificate -Modular Assessment, Technical Uganda Community Polytechnics – Modular Assessment, Business Diploma & Certificate Programmes and Physical and Biological Sciences Diploma & Certificate programmes.
He noted that they registered a total of 39,036 candidates for end of programme and modular assessment in the July/August 2022 series which is a bigger number compared to the previous years.
“The increase in number of candidates is attributed to continued advocacy for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Skills, introduced system of modularised assessment and the awakening of citizens towards vocational skills acquisition.”
He noted that out of this number, 36,941 (95%) turned up for examinations while 2,095 (5%) were absent in one or more modules.
“There are various reasons for this absenteeism, but the most probable are failure to meet the tuition fees requirements, being engaged in work for working students and sometimes sicknesses as had been revealed in the 2019 UBTEB study survey. Whereas the 5% absenteeism is still high, there is a 15% reduction from 19.8% in 2020. However, the Research unit of the Board will later explore the current circumstances that could further explain this,” he said.
According to UBTEB, 28,050 (76%) successfully acquired all competencies in their respective trades with 32% (8,948) females and 68% (19,102) males.
There is a 3% performance improvement compared to the May/June 2020 examinations results.
“Very good performance was exhibited in Technical Higher Diploma programmes with 99%, Business Certificate programmes (88%), Physical and Biological Science Certificate and diploma programmes with 84% and 83% respectively. Candidates of the modular assessment under the Uganda Community Polytechnic Certificate programmes equally performed well at 81% pass rate,” noted Mr. Oyesigye.
Mr. Oyesigye says that whereas the number of female candidates has continued to increase, the male candidates still dominate which calls for continued awareness and more affirmative actions.
However, he reported that there were some modules in which candidates did not show expected competencies, especially in technical certificate modular assessment in Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Hairdressing and body therapy, Building Construction, Fitting and Fabrication, Garment and Pattern making, Meat Processing and Preservation.
He revealed that a number of 28 students carried out examination malpractice, asking minister to cancel their examination results of the entire semester, something she agreed to.
“I appreciate the due diligence done by the Board in an effort to curb the malpractices. Whereas, there was a recorded reduction in malpractices compared to previous examination sessions, my Ministry does not tolerate any form of malpractice. This is a bad vice especially in skills training and should be fought by everyone including the candidates themselves, the parents, the training providers and the general public. I, therefore, agree with the recommendation of the Board that the results of the affected candidates be cancelled. However, the affected candidates will be given another chance to re-sit the examinations when next offered,” said Mrs. Museveni who was represented by the Minister of State for Higher Education – John Chrysestom Muyingo.
Mr. ES noted that in this series, they were able to register and provide conducive examination environment for 41 candidates with special needs among those with hearing impairment (06), Visual impairment (06), dyslexia (12), Mentally challenged (03) and others (14).
Challenges encountered during the general Conduct of Examinations & Processing of Results
Oyesigye noted that there was failure by some trainees to secure Industrial Training placements which affected the completion rates since Industrial Training is mandatory for most of the programmes.
He also revealed that some centres have persistently not adhered to registration deadlines which affects the conveyor belt-like system of processing and administering examinations.
He also reported the inadequate equipment like computers in institutions, high cost of internet connectivity services and inadequate human resources in training institutions has remained a challenge to most centres.
The Board seeks financially support in the implementation of the TVET Policy 2019 through modularization of skills assessment, staff capacity building to facilitate the re-alignment of the assessment to the needs of the world of work.
“This will expedite flexible learning, innovation, and employability of TVET graduates.”
The Board also wants all stakeholders especially the industry and Private Sector in general to be called upon to play a role in the training of TVET graduates through offering industrial field attachments.
They also advised the Ministry of Education and development partners to continue sourcing more ICT equipment for the training providers both public and private.
Minister commended the Board for the formation of the TVET Assessment working groups in accordance with the established Sector Skills Councils, noting that the initiative is going to streamline and enhance strong linkages between the Board, TVET structures and the prospective employers of TVET graduates.
“I equally pride in the collaborations and support by the industry and other players to support the Government’s call on delivering TVET that is Employer-led. This will enable our country to achieve her dream of raising a critical mass of artisans and technicians to support industrial growth and development. I therefore call upon the players in the industrial sector to be involved in the training of TVET graduates by accepting to take on more of the trainees for Industrial Training,” she said.
“I am impressed by the ever increasing number of students enrolling for TVET programmes at various levels. I take note that for this particular release 28,050 trainees have acquired competencies in the various occupations and can join the world of work. I also appreciate the ever increasing number of female trainees in TVET where 32% (8,948) of those that have completed are females. This will automatically result into the increase in the number of skilled youths who can create their own jobs.”
She pledged her support in the construction of the Assessment Centre and the funds required to complete and equip the Assessment Centre in order to ensure that the work is completed as per the stipulated time frame.
Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha – Board Chairperson said that the pandemic taught them one cardinal call in Education and training to invest in ICT online systems for learning and assessment purpose.
He shared some key milestones of the Board since last release of examinations including; kick-starting the Construction of UBTEB Assessment Centre Project, establishment of TVET Assessment Working Groups, development of the modular assessment syllabi, strengthened partnerships, regional feedback workshops on assessment and celebration of UBTEB @10 Anniversary.