KAMPALA – The Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board – UBTEB has released the November/December 2023 end-of-program examination results.
Happening now at the Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Nakawa, 93% of candidates successfully acquired all competencies in their respective trades, according to Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye – UBTEB Executive Secretary.
He revealed that the Board registered 23,971 candidates of which 7,573 were females representing 32% while the males were 16,398 representing 68% for final year examinations and assessment.
“Generally, out of the 21,179 candidates who sat for examinations, 20,017 Candidates (93%) successfully acquired all competencies in their respective trades. Out of the 6,593 female candidates that sat, 6,308 representing 96% successfully completed their studies whereas out of the 14,586 male candidates that sat, 13,709 7/2lenting 94% completed their studies This implies that overall the female candidates.”
Oyesigye said that the number of female candidates has continued to increase from 18% in 2012 when the Board began assessments to 32% in the year 2023.
Out of the 23,971 candidates registered, 22,826, he noted that candidates representing 95% were for National Certificate courses following modularised training and assessment.
“Out of the 23,971 registered candidates, 21,179 (88%) sat for examinations, while 2,792 (12%) candidates were absent from the entire examinations or did not attend some examination papers. Whereas the percentage of absenteeism has gone on reducing, some factors have continued to remain at play. Based on the recent survey carried by the Board, such factors include fees challenges, absenteeism of trainers, working students and sickness among others.”
He added, “Out of the 21,179 candidates that sat for the examinations, 6,593 representing 31% were female candidates.”
Details to follow…..