KAMPALA – Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) will on Monday commence countrywide conducting of May/June 2024 examinations series.
Running up to 14th June 2024 at 294 examination centres, the exams are expected to be done by 32,726 candidates who were registered.
Of these candidates, Onesmus Oyesigye – Board Executive Secretary revealed that 17,357 are females and 15,369 are males.
“The Board informs all the Institutions that all preparations of briefing Reconnoiters and delivery of all the necessary examination materials at various storage facilities commenced today Saturday, 11th May, 2024 across the country with the help of the Uganda Police Force,” he told the press on Saturday.
As part of enhancing inclusive education, Mr. ES noted that they registered a total of 118 candidates with special needs (69 male and 49 female) pursuing various TVET professions.
“Of these candidates, 66 candidates will require special attention. The SNE cases include; Dyslexia, Visual impairment (blind), Hard of hearing (deaf), and Physical disability. The Special needs candidates will be accorded special examination arrangements such as sign language interpreters and transcribers, while others will be accorded extra 30 minutes. The Board has accordingly deployed 66 support personnel to assist candidates with special needs.”
Oyesigye warned students and heads of centres of examination malpractices – urging institutions to ensure that examination task forces are well briefed on the conduct of examinations.
“This task force is responsible for ensuring examinations are done in compliance with UBTEB rules and standards. The Heads of Centres are encouraged to highlight the penalties for examination malpractices if caught.”
“As part of vigilance and ensuring the security of examinations, the Board has deployed over 450 Reconnoiters and other monitors. Given the practical and hands-on assessment of some modules, the Board will also deploy over 200 Practical Assessors and verifiers to conduct an on-spot assessment of candidates in all the respective fields of study,” he noted.