NTUNGAMO – Naome Kabasharira who lost the Rushenyi County NRM parliamentary flag to Mwesigwa Rukutana after a vote recount to has petitioned the party’s electoral commission.
The new results of the September 4 election were announced on Wednesday, September 23.
And according to Kabasharira, the party will determine the outcome of the petition on September 30.

See statement below
Good evening friends, supporters and the people of Rushenyi.
I am both humbled and honored to all of you men, women and youth who set out Friday September 4th and Saturday 5th to cast your vote, where you overwhelmingly placed your confidence and support in me.
Rushenyi, more than ever before has shown the world that the power to choose the leaders they want belongs to them and I thank each of you friends for your resilience, sacrifice and support. You and I know who the winner of Rushenyi election is. While the declaration of this election results did not turn out the way we had hoped, I continue to appeal and say to you that the struggle is not over yet.
I thank for your patience and continue to request you to remain patient and calm as due processes are followed. Our supporters have been beaten, injured, bruised, intimidated and violence meted on them but we have still remained strong, United and focused, for sure Rushenyi’s future is brighter. We pray for quick recovery for those who are still nursing injuries from the violence by our colleague.
Like many of you are aware, there is a pending petition, where we challenge the election results presented by the electoral commission from Nyakahita cell, Ruyonza 1,Rwakibira and other areas and we wait for its proper disposal, a date of which has been scheduled this coming Wednesday September 30, 2020.

Our colleagues from Nyakahita know very well what happened on voting day. I stand with you in such a moment when you are deprived of your right to vote and have a leader of your choice. It’s disappointing to see that even when we protested the inclusion of the forged DR forms, it appears the Electoral commission had already decided on what they wanted to do. It is regrettable that we had to wait this long for their decision. I feel your pain and I know God equally feels and knows your prayers for a better Rushenyi. Let us be patient a little longer in such a situation.
Nevertheless, our team will be meeting soon and we hope we shall decide on the next course of action in the interest of all the people of Rushenyi. We are with you and will remain connected to you as we continue to search for credible leadership that serves all of us as Rushenyi people.
Once again, I am grateful to all of you for exercising your right to vote and we continue to encourage you to be hopeful about the future.
Hon. *Naome Kabasharira*
Dated: 23.09.2020