KAMULI – Speaker Rebecca Kadaga has been dully nominated as a candidate for the Kamuli Woman MP seat. While addressing supporters after her nomination, Kadaga revealed that her focus in the next term as MP will be to tarmac three key roads that link Kamuli to three districts of Iganga, Jinja and Palisa.
“My priority, as MP, will be the struggle for tarmacking of three roads that link Kamuli to three districts. These are: Bukungu to Kimaka in Jinja; Budhumbula to Kasolo in Iganga and the road that leads to Pallisa district,” she said.
The other priorities, she said, include stimulating economic growth, repair of the ferry and introduction of avocado as a cash crop.
“Research shows that a farmer can earn as much as Shs28 million annually from avocado,” she said. Speaker Kadaga also pledged to enhance the struggle for sugarcane markets and modes of value addition.
Kadaga is set to lock horns with Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) strong lady Salaamu Musumba and National Unity Platform (NUP)’s Bridget Babirye.