BUSHENYI – Ms Eunice Tworekirwe Kansiime, an NRM-leaning Independent candidate in the Bushenyi District Woman Member of Parliament race, has stepped down for the party flag bearer, Ms Annet Katusiime Mugisha.
In a statement issued on Sunday, Ms Tworekirwe said that her decision was based on the advice of senior party leaders and elders.
“Following my nomination to run as an Independent candidate, l was approached by concerned senior leadership of the NRM party both at NRM secretariat and district who requested that l consider withdrawing my candidature since I am equally an NRM supporter who firmly believes in its ideology of socio-economic transformation, patriotism, democracy and Pan-Africanism,” she said.
Ms Tworekirwe said that her continued candidature would fuel intrigue and cause disharmony amongst NRM supporters in Bushenyi, and divide the NRM party.
“NRM senior leaders reasoned that my continued candidature would fuel intrigue and cause disharmony amongst NRM supporters in Bushenyi; and divide them between myself and the flag bearer which would prejudice NRM and give room and leverage to the opposition to exploit.” said Ms. Tworekirwe in her statement.
She added: “After my discussions with the said NRM senior Leadership, I consulted widely and mostly among senior citizens and opinion leaders who almost unanimously urged me to consider the position of the senior party leadership.”
Ms Tworekirwe further stated that withdrawing from the race was a difficult decision to make, but she had to make it for purposes of avoiding intrigue and disunity in NRM party.
“It’s a very difficult decision for me but in order not to fuel intrigue and disunity in our party, and for the greater good of our Party, it was necessary that I bow out since I’m not a flag-bearer.” She said