LUBAGA – Cardinal Prefect Joao Braz de Aviz, the Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated and Societies of Apostolic Life at Vatican has Saturday morning been ushered into Lubaga Cathedral to celebrate mass for The Association of the Religious in Uganda (ARU) Golden Jubilee.
The Cardinal from Rome is accompanied by all the Bishops of Catholic Church in Uganda including Archbishop John Baptist Odama, the Chairman of the Uganda Episcopal Conference and Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of Kampala. Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo of Tororo, who is the liaison bishop for the Consecrated Men and Women in Uganda and Archbishop Paul K. Bakyenga of Mbarara, are also Present.

The celebrations will take place at Lubaga Cathedral, with Mass starting at 10.am, according to Br. Sixtus Barigye, the Chairman of the ARU Golden Jubilee Publicity Committee.

ARU brings together about 100 Institutes and Congregations of the Consecrated Men and Women of the Catholic Church in Uganda — including nuns, religious brothers and sisters and Priests belonging to Catholic societies like the Apostles of Jesus or Comboni Missionaries.
The association runs some of the best social services in Uganda including schools hospitals and NGOs.