KAMPALA – The Director of Currency at Central Bank, Charles Malinga, will appear before the Anti-Corruption Court soon to answer charges related to the illegal consignment that was shipped into Uganda in April.
According to security circles, he could appear today (Tuesday, June 2019)
Sources claim that Malinga’s file had been forwarded to the Directorate of Public Prosecution for further perusal.
The embattled director is a brother to MP Anita Among, who recently grilled Malinga’s top seniors including Deputy Governor Luis Kasekende and Governor Tumusiime Mutebile over the illegal take over and closure of seven commercial banks.
Last week, two other Bank of Uganda officials ended up in Luzira prison, remanded for their role in the currency scandal, an item on the news agenda that rocked the already fledging credibility of the Central Bank.
Mr. Francis Kakeeto, the regional currency manager, Mbale and Mr. Fred Wanyama the assistant regional manager Kabale were on Friday, June 21 charged with abuse office and corruption before the Magistrates Court at Kololo presided over by Mr Abert Asiimwe.
The two officials supervised the loading of the cargo, now shrouded in controversy will return to court on June 26, after they denied the charges, whose offences attract a maximum sentence of seven years in jail.
The currency scandal had by the weekend sucked in other arms of government with Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga ordering the ministry of finance to conclusively explain the matter in one month.
Meanwhile, Parliament’s Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) has also indicated it will summon all parties mentioned in the currency saga, with a view of commencing a full-blown investigation.