KAMPALA —Mr. Jonathan Tundulu, the Guild President of Kyambogo University, has sacked his entire cabinet amid a corruption scandal and their failure to give accountabilities to respective ministries.
In a letter dated Friday, September 27, to Vice Chancellor through the Dean of Students, Mr. Tundulu said he had carried out the mass purge so the ministers could provide accountability reports.
“In reference to article 8 clause 8 A, (I), I therefore inform the university management of the suspension of the entire guild executive until they provide their accountability reports to their respective ministries not later than Monday 30, September 2019 at 12:00 noon,” reads an excerpt from his letter.
Tundulu reportedly told ministers he had lost faith in them at an emergency cabinet meeting on Thursday.

His letter comes hours after his cabinet threatened to impeach him over what they termed as lack of leadership skills and mismanaging the institution.
“His lack of leadership, mismanagement, selfish interest and very poor personal decisions have greatly degraded and severely damaged the relationship between the university management, the student leadership and the students’ body” reads a statement in parts.
They added: “Our continuous attempts to salvage the situation have not yielded fruit and we feel that our relationship with him in serving the students is irreparable and as cabinet ministers, due to the love we have for our great institution, we cannot allow this university to be led by such an incompetent, selfish, tyrant, narrow-minded, extremely rigid, disrespectful [person] both to colleagues and the students an administration. [There are] too many disciplinary cases in addition to [him] being a dictator.”
Mr Tundulu has however, in an interview with PML Daily rubbished the claims by his cabinet and said he sacked them because they had deliberately refused to write accountability reports of their respective ministries which comprise the demands of the students community.