BUGOLOBI – The UCC Staff Provident Fund held its Annual General Meeting at the City Royale Hotel in Bugolobi.
The fund, which was established to ensure financial security for all UCC staff upon leaving the organisation, incorporates monthly contributions from the employer and individual staff members, which are then invested to maximise returns.
In his speech, the UCC Executive Director Eng. Godfrey Mutabazi described the scheme as one of the most competitive in Uganda’s pension sector and urged members to save and manage their finances prudently so as to enjoy comfortable retirement when it comes.
The Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Ms. Alice Nyangoma, who is also UCC Director Audit, thanked Mr. Mutabazi for supporting the scheme and gave a comprehensive report on its performance during the past year, which she said was positive.
The day’s guest speaker, Ronald Mukasa, delivered an inspiring presentation that combined humour with a stinging rebuke of the bad financial decisions people tend to make.
In one of the highlights of his presentation, Mr. Mukasa asked his audience how long it would take for their children to notice if they lost their job.
He also pointed out that how people behave at work is a reflection of how they behave when running a personal business.
“If you can’t deal with a difficult boss, you can’t deal with a difficult customer,” he said, amid laughter.
Besides sharing annual performance indicators, the UCC Staff Provident Fund AGM is an opportunity for staff to reflect on their personal financial decisions, and to that end, the organisers couldn’t have found a more appropriate speaker.