KAMPALA – Civil society organizations under their umbrella body the National NGOF Forum are calling upon Ugandans to use the year 2020 to reflect on the quality of leaders they are headed to vote in the forth-coming general elections.
Speaking to the press at their offices, the civil societies spoke with a uniform voice advising the public to take these elections seriously by electing decent politicians who will have a track record of credibility and are public servants who are not liars but leaders.
Richard Ssewakiryanga, the Executive Director NGO Forum, has said that the coming elections are the only opportunity Ugandans have to replace bad, corrupt and ineffective leaders with good, decent and transformative leaders.
“We have to be bold and courageous and insist on electing decent politicians, who have a track record of credibility; who are selfless public and who are not liars but leaders. Electing decent politicians is a civic duty and we don’t have to apologize for demanding an electoral system that enables us to discharge this duty,” he said.
He added that Ugandans deserve a country and a future where there is the utmost respect for human dignity, equal opportunity and shared prosperity for everyone.
Ssewakiryanga urged all citizens to make 2020 a year of big ideas and bold actions at whatever level that they pursue success and prosperity.
“Let’s make 2020 the year when we rose up and demanded accountability and decency from our leaders at every level of leadership For we know, the quality and character of our leaders determine how much we succeed as a people now and in the future,” he noted.
He further added that “As civil society leaders, we commit to working hand in hand with the diversity of citizens’ organizations and formations to ensure that the 2020/21 elections have an enduring impact on our Nation’s politics and political culture and development.”
He adds that to achieve our dreams as citizens and country at large, it requires transformative political leaders hence the quality and character of leaders to determine how much the people succeed and the country at large.