KAMPALA – Females have performed better than Males in the English language Dan Odong, UNEB Executive Secretary has revealed at the release of UCE 2019 Results.
This has always happened over the years, however, he said that the boys manage to make their way around in other subjects and beat the girls.
Dr. Odong said the English language, history, and commerce registered significant drops in the UCE 2019.
“For the first time, more girls than boys registered and sat for the UCE.
However, he added there is great concern about the low achievement levels of girls in science and mathematics subjects.
“The board wants an investigation into this,” he noted.
Of the 337,720 students who sat the UCE 2019 exams, 144,256 were USE beneficiaries. They make up 42.7% of the number of students who sat the exams
Ndyamuhaki Godwin from St Henry’s College Kitovu in Masaka emerged the best among candidates with special needs. He scored a high Agg 13 in the best 8 subjects. He has a hearing impairment.
Tukei Timothy Alfred from Munta Royal College in Bombo came second among candidates with disability. He also has a hearing impairment and scored agg 14 in the best eight subjects.
48 candidates sat for the examinations at Luzira maximum prison. None of them got into Division I, but 9 were in Division II, 14 in Div III, 23 in Div IV and only two of them failed
Dr. Odong has revealed that 410 candidates with special needs registered for the examinations, compared to 357 the previous year.
“All these candidates were given the required assistance in regards to their disability and an extra 45 minutes”
Overall performance improved with 92.2% passing compared to 87.2% in the previous years while the failure rate dropped significantly from 12.8% to 7.8%.