KAMPALA – Social media experts are interesting. So, with all the vaccines we have tested and passed in Africa, you suddenly think that COVID19 vaccine would be the first vaccine to be tested in Africa – or is it because 2 white men talked about it?
Decisions on vaccine trials are made by senior brilliant scientific minds not social media posts and TV discussions. This continent has very brilliant brains that make decisions on what scientific studies should and shouldn’t be be carried out in Africa. Ethics review committees are in all our countries and pass these protocols.
For as long as a disease affects an African, it is in our best interest to do our best to prevent it. Look at Malaria, Ebola, yellow Fever, Meningitis, etc. Where do people imagine these vaccines were tested?? On Mars? or Jupiter?
Ghana is one country with the highest “per capita” of science professors. The one country that always goes ahead of us in vaccine trials on behalf of the continent. It is by no surprise that the country has come forward for this cause.
Social media experts, read the context. Don’t read statements like some do with the Bible. When read without context, we will get lost. One person’s opinion suddenly becomes the whole continent’s opinion.
Anyway, for those that do not know, Europe and US already started the vaccine trials. I hope this makes many have a sound sleep. Issues of generals to generals.
Otherwise #Stay home, stay safe.
Dr. Atuhebwe is a New Vaccines Introduction Medical Officer at the World Health Organisation (WHO), Regional Office for Africa._
*She wrote this interesting perspective on her Facebook page.*