KAMPALA – The biggest beneficiary in this struggle for power between Nations should be Africa this time round, but will Africa be able to take advantage of this? Africa has been divided, Africa had been exploited. Africa has the Arab north, black South and rich South Africa. Africa has a Francophone, Anglophone, and of course the Arabic languages speaking Nations. All these are divisions within Africa that make Africa unable to work as one unit. While Africa’s population is growing and there is a belief that it could be the next economic flush point, the divisions cannot allow Africa to come together. Neither can they allow it to develop just like China has done. Nigeria which could play the lead role with all its oil and population but has failed to put its act together. South Africa does not represent Africa! African countries and leaders are set up against each other. No unity insight.
Africa failed to progress scientifically and therefore economically! They instead became slaves to the world. They were prevented from progressing economically and this continues. Agree or not this is a fact. They were also enslaved in their own continent. Of course, as the world changes, it calls for cultural tolerance but the fact that Africa was a source of slaves tell you a story. The fact that there have been many instances of western governments trying to get rid of the African race tells you a story. The fact that the western government have been responsible for military coups in Africa tells you a story. The fact that Africa is manipulated tells you a story. It seems, race has been a disadvantage to Africa, being blacks has been a challenge.
What do these big nations want? They are looking for raw materials and markets so as to make profits. The raw materials are in Africa, the markets are primarily in Europe in the developed countries. This is now changing, markets are now increasingly becoming China with its huge population and huge middle class. Markets will be India with its huge populations and a huge growing middle class. This change is affecting capitalism as it has been known. Africa will still be the source of raw materials. For those who want to rule the world, it is better if Africa is not developing!
So what is this race factor, black or white or other? This race factor creates hatred among races. You can’t blame the black man for being black. God made them that way. But intolerance of black people that you find in different parts of the world is the challenge. So as China emerges the most powerful country in the world, what are the images that we are seeing? Mistreating of Africans, black Africans. The world has almost forgotten how Africans were treated as slaves. Infact the majority of Africans, the youth, have no idea about slave trade neither do they have these stories of mistreatment. Instead, they know the west for being a nice place! Will China behave any different from the US denying Africans their rights? Is it true that China may also get involved in the race to eliminate the blacks? Is it true that China hates the blacks? There are various videos of Chinese beating up Africans. We have also watched on the news during this coronavirus pandemic that Africans were denied where to stay in China! If it is true, it is a mistake that China is making because Africa maybe its ally in this emerging new world order.
So as it emerges as the biggest superpower in the world, it should pick lessons that this is a world where blacks had no choice on how it was created. Discrimination will lead to resentment. It should pick lessons from the US and indeed other countries that have lived with Africans for years. This is a world where there is a need for tolerance of race, of religion, of other beliefs and without it conflict will be the consequence.
Am not sure whether Africans can pick any lessons from this and be able to unite? But the fact that they are divided by the same people who are ruling them makes it very difficult for Africa to ever unite and have a common position on anything. The day African Unites, though no power in this world would allow them to do that, is the day Africa will start developing. Africa will wake up from slumber and claim its rightful position in the society. Is it the end of an era for the US? Are we seeing a new era by China? The new kid on the block, Africa appears to remain the same old door Carpet in this change of “guard”.
The writer, Prof. Waswa Balunywa, is the Principal of Makerere University Business School