KAMPALA — The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is reprehensible and must be condemned. Millions of ordinary people’s lives are disorganized or even ended because of quarrels between leaders of various countries.
Many businesses will be ended by the fighting. Many people will be homeless and jobless and young people will not be going to school. Many Russian military personnel will also die.
This is very sad and sympathy will not be helpful to the affected people. One can only hope that the agony will not last long.
This invasion is not the first. Numerous countries have been invaded by the Soviet Union, America and its NATO allies. Vietnam, Korea, more recently Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Serbia, Palestine, Yemen and many others were invaded and devastated.
The working principle is of the mighty trying to impose their wishes on the less strong. In the history of the human race, might is right has had quite devastating effects.
Many years ago Russia put missiles in Cuba in retaliation for American missiles in Turkey. America objected to the missiles in Cuba and after threats and talks the offending missiles were removed from Cuba and Turkey. Why can’t the compromise of that time be followed in the case of Ukraine? Why is entry of Ukraine into NATO I.e the possible stationing of American missiles in Ukraine, so non negotiable?
War is now ongoing in Ukraine and continued stubbornness on all sides is counterproductive. What do the innumerable sanctions on Russians benefit a suffering or bereaved family in Ukraine or even an ordinary Russian possibly against the invasion?
The fact that it is an invasion of a European country is neither here nor there, invasions of weaker countries anywhere must be equally condemned and sanctioned. And so the invasion of Ukraine must must come to an end soonest and if talks can help, let talks take place.