MBALE – Two weeks ago, a friend came to me with a puzzle that took me time to crack. He had through the window watched his own son of about 10 years performing a mock wedding with male friends who had visited the previous day for a sleep over.
During the course of the conversion, I probed James to give me additional information on where he thinks the idea had emerged from for the boys to display a mockery wedding with a fellow boy even when there were two girls in their company.
The two boys even mocked the part where the “Priest” of the day asked the bride- a boy to kiss the groom- also a boy and they complied.
Having failed to reach the bottom of the issue, I asked James to send over the boy to my house which he did and after building rapport with boy, he confided in me that he spends most of the time watching cartoons.
In the process, I asked him to tell me his favorite cartoon which he did and I asked him to give me the reasons why he thought that cartoon was the best.
I also asked him if he ever practices what he watches in cartoons, he told me that when power goes off or when the house girl wants to watch telemundo, she chases them out of the sitting room leaving them with no option but to go out and play with his friends within Bugolobi flats.
Some of the kids are older than him and at times they refresh their minds by acting what they have watched. A further probe revealed that they had watched the wedding episode on TV in a children’s program called Arthur.
To avoid being detected as a spy on a mission, I didn’t ask what Arthur was but I took the innocent narrative as it was presented to me in a raw form. So I picked my phone and made some consultations on this thing called Arthur and even went into YouTube to gather more knowledge on the same.
I have since watched six other complete cartoons; I must confess we are doomed. Many of us have fallen short of our parental duties.
Just looking at the list of sponsors for some of these cartoons leaves a lot to be desired. Why would a gay organisation spend so much on ensuring that gay scenes appear in a children’s cartoon.
Some of these funders have a physical presence in Uganda and are going about their business as if homosexuality and lesbians are not outlawed in Uganda.
What activities are they carrying out? Is the government of Uganda, cultural institutions, NGO board, the main stream church and other security organs aware of what these people are doing in the country?
For a while now, I have been hearing about gay organisations carrying out disgusting clandestine activities aimed at distorting and perverting the morals of our society. Would they let us promote our values and traditions in their country, I suppose the answer is no. That being the case, why are they promoting their ways in our country with impunity? What are they giving Uganda in exchange for their culture that we cannot give them so that I also go to their continents to promote my circumcision culture or the much dreaded female genital mutilation that they have now classified as a crime against humanity?
For a long time, whites have been masquerading as human rights advocates but in the recent years their focus seems to have zeroed to LGBTQ which stands for (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Queer.
Queer is relatively a new addition. Queer is an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or cisgender. But who knows, these fellows may in the near future add bestiality, a habit that many of these whites have been practicing with their pets.
That those who choose to have pets such as dogs or cats as their wives and husbands should be respected and even allowed to wed in holy matrimony if they so wish.
But why are these imported habits flourishing on the African continent unabated, what is the agenda of those promoting these alien behaviors and above all, what happened to our conservative traditions and cultures that guided our well being before the Arabs and the white man stepped foot on the African soil.
Where are our cultural leaders and elders who guided society on behavior? What informed our people to embrace whatever comes with the whites? How come the whites have not copied any of our indigenous traditions? Why are they eroding our cultures and traditions using one method and promoting their own using another method? Talk of double standards and you will be defining the white man.
Just this morning, I came across an article that the Kenya Film Classification Board had taken a firm stand to ban all movies containing LGBTQ content from showing in the main stream media.
While others are dealing with first things first, Ugandans are busy purchasing expensive machines to detect and also creating authorities to fight pornography as if it a first priority evil eating our society.
The movies being referred to in Kenya of course include well researched documentaries and cartoons. No doubt cartoons, film and media content influence the behavior and the thinking of consumers, especially children who tend to learn by sight and imitation.
A past paper by Joseph Rogers Musaalo, a Counseling psychologist at Adonai Counseling and Training Services shows that babies as young as 14 months old will copy what they see on television and that children that are two years old are more likely to be imitating what they see, even when it is a stranger.
It’s clear that the young children are learning by copying what their peers do on television. To Mr. Musaalo, this is how a human baby raised by monkeys will most likely behave like a monkey. That is the power of sight but in so doing, the world is losing direction. The white man has made us thinks that whatever is good for him is good for us.
Let us be mindful that the makers of cartoons are not stupid; they only produce their films after investing heavily in research. They know exactly the purpose of the message they want to put across and they also know their target audience.
They also know that many parents never take time to review cartoons before allowing their children to watch because cartoons are considered childish and of course for children.
As such the parents don’t scrutinize the content or the cartoon channels that they the children watch. So long as it is a cartoon, it is okay but beneath the fun, the kids are taking in unregulated “poison” as their parents take turns to enjoy social media.
So what do parents expect children to learn from cartoons that were designed to make them believe it is okay for a man to wake up one morning and put on a wig or dress, paint his lips and nails, wear high heel, speak in a woman voice, carry a lady’s bag and walk seductively.
What do you expect kids to learn when a female cartoon character openly says she hates being a girl or that when she grows up she want to have a wife or get married to a fellow girl, it is a calculated pollution of the kids mind set and if we don’t act now, we shall soon pay the price.
What do we expect when cartoons that are depicted as boys or girls kiss or hold each other and make utterances that promote the habit? To me, choosing to be gay as an adult may be considered a lesser evil but to promote the habit is to erode our African values.
The promoters of the film industry have also made it a habit of rewarding films with a gay content with international awards to promote their viewership. Such cartoons find themselves on the shelves of video libraries because the award increases their demand and of course viewership.
For example, there is a prominent children’s show called Arthur which captured nationwide headlines and drew the consternation of many parents when it featured a same-sex wedding. Many parents were heard praising the cartoon as a master piece.
In fact, three of the leading mainstream children’s cable channels including Disney, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network have shows with gay or lesbian characters and the intention is to influence children into acceptance these new evil behaviors and where possible practice what they see on their fellow children.
It appears producers of cartoons are finding it hard to receive funding and are failing to promote clean cartoons without LGBTQ content.
Even the obvious one that I thought were worth watching like; the loud house, the force evil, the legend of kora, Clarence, the lodge, Let’s Be Heroes, adventure time, my little pony, Castlevania, friend ship is magic, Big Mouth, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Twelve Forever, Craig of the Creek, Harley Quinn, and Hazbin Hotel have been corrupted to promote the new world order agenda.
Closely related with similar content are Alone Together, Twelve Forever, Craig of the Creek, Harley Quinn, and Hazbin Hotel among others.
Infact, a close scrutiny shows that six in every ten cartoons have an LGBTQ motive associated with them but our government and of course parents have remained aloof thinking God will intervene with a solution.
Many governments are afraid of opposing advocates of LGBTQ because they are funding so many projects and have the financial muscle to cause a change of Government opposing their dubious mission.
I am aware that some parents are doing what is within their means to regulate or provide parental guidance but teachers are spoiling the soup by showing these deadly cartoons to nursery school going children in an attempt to keep them under control.
Having watched the addictive cartoon at school or in cinemas halls or at friends homes during sleep over’s, children get agitated when they are denied a chance to watch the same at home. So they take advantage of the gullible Nannies, grandparents, baby sitters and day care centers to enjoy these while parents are at work.
At this rate, children have been surrounded from head to toe, parents have been rendered helpless, their children’s safety from the deadly mushrooming LGBTQ content is an illusion that if left unattended to can wipe out an entire generation.
What we are facing is not a spiritual ware fare, it is a man made problem; it must be dealt with using a man made solution. It is only the Uganda Communications Commission that control or regulate the platforms. The church has also been subdued. Many Churches are direct beneficiaries of dirty money.
Just a few days ago, I saw a social media clip where a lady was lamenting about a certain school around Kibuli that was religiously equipping their library with books promoting homosexuality and lesbians and were giving them to their children to read them.
When the head teacher was confronted, all he could do was to apologize but the books were not taken out of the library. This means the school is still promoting homosexuality and lesbianism. Are parents still taking their children to that school because of the bursaries or the children are excelling in academics.
Having received such information, I would have expected the Uganda Police to pounce, search the library, impound the books and even arrest the administrators of the school but they did not, am sure they will soon tell the public that no one has complained. After all, homosexuality and Lesbiansm are illegal under the penal code. If LGBTQ activities are illegal, why has the government allowed MARPI to set up a facility as Mulago to treat diseases associated with LGBTQ+ and anal injuries to those who practice homosexuality.
I have no doubts in my mind that the institution of the Uganda police have been coached, funded and or trained to handle LGBTQ cases with caution.
No wonder no criminal case associated with LGBTQ ends up in the courts of law, somehow the files are called from the low ranking junior officers, suffocated or sent to the directorate of Public Prosecutions only to be closed. It is an undercover conspiracy that we must all admit to have failed to contain. Anyone who target the children of a given nation targets the future of that nation.
Mr. Roger Wadada Musaalo is a Lawyer, human rights activist, researcher, and politician