KAMPALA – Moral and Innovative Leadership culture is on the decline in Africa and as a result of having a population that is too corrupt, divided, unpatriotic, and not brave, the possibility to cause accountability, the defeat of dictatorship and to mentor good leaders to build sustainable independent institutions has been frustrated.
Because of this frustration in Africa, constitutions and elections are designed to keep dictators in power not serving the pan-African interests but to fulfill selfish goals. They don’t care about the future of education, infrastructure, economy, and human resource.
Very old leaders who have overstayed in power for more than 40 years as Head of State and Government have proved to be medically sick (weak), psychologically exhausted, and ideologically outdated. In fact, they have no capacity and skill to unite, transform and match Africa with the current and future dynamics of world competitive policy, economy, employment, governance, technology, defence, infrastructure, ICT, food security, space science, and climate change response.
Unfortunately, as a result of feeding on colonial and ineffective systems, the youth must intentionally be closed in ignorance, unemployment, poverty, conflict, and cowardness so that they don’t pause any threat to the dictatorial ruling. The youth lack the bravery to challenge the status quo and as they live divided, their future die with the old selfish empty leaders in the State House, Judiciary, Electoral Commission, Parliament, Security, and Political Parties.
I pray that God’s Spirit visits the bad African leaders to repent and accept defeat so that regardless of their misconception, they start mentoring all citizens with leadership, innovative and entrepreneurial skills so that Africa gets in the right direction and position in the world. This is when we shall start witnessing Africa’s practical transformation because leaders love and cause transformative change beyond ego and selfish interests.
Bad leaders as we have seen them in their very old age capturing State House in the name of being loved by the voters have systematically made blind, ignorant, and poor those they lead so that no one has the capacity to oppose or challenge the regime in power. In fact, bad leaders in many parts of Africa invest a lot of public resources to keep the population drunk, lazy, asleep, disorganized, and hopeless.
Many of our African leaders frustrate efforts of improving the mindset and attitude of those they lead because they believe this could frustrate their stay in power.
As it stands now, every African is scared of leaders and their families. This is because of the too much power they have built around themselves to influence everything towards their selfish interest. The problem now is that, they have turned into gods not servants of African voters who expect professional transformation from their leaders.
On the look of things, apart from Kenya, all other African countries are led by Kings with titles of Heads of State. This is because they don’t account for anyone. In fact all citizens in the country work towards helping their families to keep in power with maximum control over resources and opportunities:
Africa wake up because enough is enough, things are going in the wrong direction and we can’t save the situation unless we wake up.
Let’s welcome the culture of walking with a clear vision and with a big dream that benefits all people regardless of religion, tribe, race, gender, political party, and economic status.
The time has come to peacefully resist leaders who divide us in conflict, poverty, ignorance, disease, and backwardness. Enough is enough: it is Africa’s time to walk in her future.
The writer is Peace Service Amb. Milton Kambula, Author, Pan-Africanist, and Consultant of Leadership and Governance.