KAMPALA – Unemployment describes a situation where individuals actively search for the jobs but cannot find work. A number of factors bring about this Macro Economic issue including slow economic growth, high birth rates, Rural urban, technology change as well as voluntarily leaving one job to find another. As of 2022, Monitor reported that 41% of youth out of school not employed. And this has escalated the number of unemployed youth out of the country for Middle East for greener pasture. But then what now?
‘Experience being the best teacher’, it provides a unique freshness about the human fresh. A number of us after having completed studies aim at looking out for jobs and forget about the fact that independence is so desirable both in our understanding and our well-being. In every 10 students who graduate from their respective levels, 9 have a frozen attitude about automatic occupancy of the jobs which has been proven to be unrealistic. what next after and during our arena of progress?
Innovativeness having a clear line of success becomes the fore front for getting all the captives off their harbor zones. This said, is well based on a number of successful personalities who have made it with minimum knowledge and connection. The likes of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, have adequately swarm into their other new generation with the entire maximum concentration of what they thought was and would change the world. Countries like United States of America and Republic of China have already started applying Artificial Intelligence in almost all their activities including marketing, Health Agriculture as well as Security. This is basically meant to ease Work by reducing the cost of operation and ensuring Profit Maximization. Therefore, why are we still in our hard shells that need to first be aligned with a number of distractions before we can arrive on what we real want. Innovate something new that other eyes haven’t been opened to and explore the mindsets of the respective persons by solving the surrounding issues.
Every time I get to the drawing board to seek for the reasons why students do business proposals while in their respective levels of higher learning and in the end; streets, it alters my Medulla oblongata. Let’s develop our proposals into reality. The disease of procrastinating work needs to be vanished off, Otherwise, we the youth have forever got to be captives of our hearsay. Government initiatives that have flooded into our regions, why not utilized for acquisition of required Capital to develop our ideas? The government being the board for development and growth for its people through its programs including Parish Development Models, Emyonga, Wealth Creation once utilized yield a marginal return for growth. I therefore don’t understand what exactly it is that is shadowing our sight not to realize the front specks. Could it be politics being smelt in our conversation, is laziness and dependence an issue, is it because there has not been a strong wave of mobilization about who to use the funds, does it mean that it is simply negligence and that people ignore the new developments due to the health loans that only require one to declare per period to enable more accessibility for others? Growth might not find and repair the weak. Let us use other people’s money (OPM) to develop our selves. And this introduces in a new and desirable concept about Banks. These Financial institutions have got two persons with whom it brings together; surplus spending Unit and Deficit spending units. The former representing all those that deposit and save with banks due to surpluses and the latter enables the clients to access loans. Therefore, this concept keeps these institutions so liquid for its clients and thus enabling continuous accessibility to funds for investment.
The technical knowhow and practical exposure as a good direct intervention to everyone’s accessibility to a green button of success. In this era, there has been an introduction of different social media platforms including WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter as well as Tiktok that have enabled the fore sighted persons to adequately utilize them for advertisement, creating strong connections as well as easing communication other than just wasting their resourceful time on unnecessary activities. The robot innovation is speaking to the open minded creators that in the coming days, human labor is going to be a just own yourself. Creation and starting up private ventures reminds all Africans to identify each speck a head of them. We are meant to be stewards of our fellows in the next generations.
In conclusion, Youth have got to get off their soft shells and stop packaging all eggs into one basket of after school trend; searching for jobs instead of starting their own and developing their business proposals to create those jobs. Creativity, Maximum utilization of all government programs aiming for practicable ventures wound clear their red lights to green. Otherwise, we are the reverse of the common phrase “We are the future of tomorrow”.
The Author, Tukwasibwe David Is an Economist davidtukwasibwe608@gmail.com