KASESE— It is not by coincidence, but God’s design that this year’s season of fasting starts on Valentine’s Day. Valentine invites and challenges us to love. We need to be reminded that “God is love and he who dwells in love dwells in God and God dwells in him” (1 John 4:16).
Lent invites us to draw closer to God. If not to love, then what are we called to? It is right and fitting therefore that while we keep the pleasure and excitement of Valentine today minimal, we should express our guilt before God and repent of all the moments we have not loved enough.
At this time in history the family institution is squarely torn apart because love between spouses and siblings has slowly diminished. God is challenging you and me this season to pray more, fast more and give more alms for the sake of love.
I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day and a fruitful Season of Lent. May God bless you.
(Diocese of Kasese- Uganda)