
Floods in the elgon region continue causing havoc to the already impoverished communities in Bulambuli. Over 20 homes and property worth millions of shillings were destroyed and buried in the mud leaving over 30 people in Kimono Village, Buluganya Sub-county dead. Mudslides and floods were also reported in the areas of in Kesenji Village, Zebibi Parish, Bukyabo Sub-county, Sironko District burying a number of residents and destroying homes, crops, livestock and household property.
These floodwaters also destroyed roads and also displaced hundreds of residents. Rescue operations faced significant challenges with slippery roads hampering access to affected areas. Local residents, the Uganda Red Cross, and security personnel put their heads together digging through debris in search of survivors but have since given up hope of finding any survivors.
All the local leaders in both districts are appealing for short assistance while the government is bent of identifying potential land for their relocation. The Ministry in charge of disaster preparedness is not willing to provide temporary relief but to find alternative land far from high risk zones for resettlement. However, many of the residents are only interested in food, medical care, and shelter in their areas of abode.
The entire bugisu region has long always been susceptible to landslides, driven by steep slopes, loose soils, and heavy rainfall and now environmental experts believe the increased frequency of such disasters are directed linked to climate change associated with environmental degradation. With visible cracks on the slopes of the mountains, it is only right for the government to act to avoid another tragedy.
I am reliably informed that the office of the Prime Minister has through some middle men identified a chunk of land in Bulambuli for a possible resettlement of the displaced people. It is also confirmed that cabinet has already ordered the finance minister to release funds for this noble cause and plans are in high gear to purchase the land measuring about 10,000 acres to resettle about 5000 displaced persons.
During an emergency meeting convened by Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, it was resolved that relocating people from high risk communities is no longer negotiable and must be acted upon with immediate effect. Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, Ramathan Ggoobi, announced the release of UGX 50 billion for disaster response specifically for resettlement of Bulambuli and Sironko affected persons.
Plans are that Government will allocate two acres of land and UGX 10 million to each affected household to enable them start a new life and that the vacated land left behind will be reforested and converted into national parks under the Ministry of Tourism to prevent future disasters and warned that no resident will be allowed back to claim their former areas of abode.
Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness, and Refugees Hillary Onek revealed that 10,000 acres of land had been identified for resettlement and that government had undertaken to provide food for the resettled families for six months as they establish their livelihoods in the new places of abode. Unknown to Onek, the biggest part of the identified land located in Bukiyabi belongs to 56 Clans through their representatives who are not even aware of what is going on and the proposed compensation plans.
I am privy to a purported survey and valuation report titled “IRO 10,000 Acres of Land in Bulambuli and Kween Districts Intended for Acquisition by OPM” In that report dated 28th November 2024 prepared by the Surveys and Mapping Department of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, a lot of serious discrepancies have been detected and cannot go unchallenged.
While the Survey Report is in respect of several pieces of land including Plot 100 Block 4 Bulambuli District, as well as Plots 590, 596, 673 and 756 Block 2 Kween District, this write-up will concentrate on the Survey Report’s contents with respect to the alleged Plot 100 Block 4 Bulambuli District.
According to the Survey Report, Plot 100 Block 4 comprises 3 different titled pieces of farmland, and these include Plot 248 Block 4 measuring about 2,005.93 acres, Plot 249 Block 4 measuring about 2,214.49 acres, and Plot 250 Block 4 measuring about 4,304.70 acres which totals to 8,525.12 acres. To claim that the same is 10,000 acres is fraudulent and raises more questions than answers.
The land on which the ministry is laying a claim is subject to a commitment that was mde with the guidance of His Excellency, The President of the Republic of Uganda who tasked the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development together with other relevant MDAs to oversee the identification and acquisition of a piece of land suitable for a solar farm and power project in Bulambuli District.
Indeed, a piece of land measuring over 2,214.49 acres was identified and a Freehold Certificate of title vide FRV MBA225 Folio 15 Plot 249, Block 4 at Bukiyabi, Bulambuli District was obtained. The President was accordingly informed, and a copy of the obtained certificate of title was sent to the intending solar project investors based in the Arab world. The Government then engaged the Registered Proprietors in respect of Plot 249, and the latter offered the same for sale to the Government.
Oblivious of the foregoing considerations, a network of land brokers as confirmed in the Survey Report, that very land on Plot 249, together with others as aforementioned have misled the Office of the Prime Minister to consider the same land for resettlement of communities affected by landslides around the Mt. Elgon Sub-region. Surprisingly, the same Ministry of land provided false information to the effect that there was a plot described as Plot 100 over lapped by plot 248, 249 and Plot 250 whereas not.
The intention was to use high handed methods to cause the cancellation of the other plots in order to create Plot 100 which has never existed at MZO Mbale as well as the department of Surveys and mappings. At the time before land in respect of Plot 249 was surveyed and titled in 2023, such land did not exist but the intention is to use that claim to hoodwink the government in paying hefty sums of money for a none existing land as it cannot buy a customary interest.
We are informed that Ugx4,000,000/= was set aside for each acre of land which translates into Ugx40,000,000,000/= but the middle men are now threatening the locals that the government would take the land by force if they do not accept Ugx2,000,000,000/= for all the 10,000 acres out of which they expect a commission of Ugx700,000,000/= for the rightful owners.
That in effect means that they intend to pay Ugx130,000/= per acre yet the land presented as Plot 100 Block 4 Bulambuli did not exist as it was neither on the titles register nor on the cadastre at the Ministry of Lands. A mere search would reveal all the discrepancies including the fact that Plot 250 was cancelled by the commissioner land registration which decision was never challenged through the due process provided for under the land Act and or registration of titles Act.
It is shocking to learn that the same plot resurrected and was included as one of the properties for which the government is supposed to pay or has paid compensation through unscrupulous individuals who have stage managed themselves as owners with questionable documents.
The government needs to slow down and seek a second opinion with another independent Surveyor as all the people involved in the acquisition of this land are part of the scheme to cheat the poor owners of the land with a view of giving the needy landslide victims but at the same time divert billions of shillings to their personal accounts typical of a mafia network.
Wadada Rogers is a commentator on political, legal and social issues. wadroger @yahoo.ca