LUGOGO – Kampala City Deaf Football Club has received a timely boost from Betway Uganda ahead of their title defense of National Deaf Holiday Challenge Cup (NDHC).
The 2017 tournament winners, who will be defending their title in Soroti from May 8th-11th, received their package at the Betway Offices in Lugogo on Tuesday afternoon.
Betway, who are the headline sponsors of Express Football Club, Betway basketball Club and Betway Kobs Rugby Football Club, on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 handed over their package to the Kampala City Deaf FC officials in support of sports and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
Amongst the items received by Kampala City Deaf FC in support of the tournament; branded kits, footballs, and refreshments from Uganda’s leading online betting company.
“As Betway Uganda, we believe in a society that is happy and cheerful, the reason we set out to always give back to the community on a monthly basis through our Corporate Social Responsibility, said Betway PR Clive Kyazze at the hand over.
“When Kampala Deaf Football Club approached us, we saw this need to work with them because disability is inability. But to also open eyes of our colleagues in the corporate world to always think of changing lives of our brothers and sisters in the communities.

The NDHC tournament is aimed at combating social issues such as discrimination, inequalities, negative stereotypes and exclusion of deaf people and persons with disabilities.
This will achieve goal 3 and 10 of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) meant to improve health and well-being and reduced inequalities.
About the National Deaf Holiday Challenge Cup (NDHC)
The NDHC is a competitive soccer event for the Deaf. Most recently, it was held in Hoima district and attracted a total of 12 football clubs for the deaf, each with at least 18 players and 5 officials from different districts in Uganda, the local community and district leaders as well as partners.
This year, the event will be bigger and better and the theme will be “advancing for inclusion through football.”