The Corporate Games: Health & fitness in the workplace, teambuilding & networking are obvious key benefits, and of course exposure for the participants
The corporate games 2019 season finally came to an end in style after nine months of fun and entertaining games with the introduction of two new games. Darts and Three-legged race made their introduction in the final day of the season.
Corporate Games happen every first Sunday of the month at Mandela National Stadium unlike this time round it happened on 13th October 2019 (the second Sunday). Note that the games took place at Kyambogo University Cricket Oval after being invited by Kyambogo University to extend the experience of the games to the students.
It has been a wonderful nine months for the Corporate Games since they kicked off on 3rd February 2019. From attaining the best media partners in the country to continuously getting more companies registering for the Games in almost every outing not forgetting the introduction of new fun and interesting games outing after another. “The biggest win was UMC Victoria Hospitals giving medical insurance to all the Corporates on the pitch, all employees play with comfort” noted the Chairman of the games Ian Rumanyika
Next media – (Sanyuka TV, NBS TV) UBC TV, Kwese TV, Red Pepper and Node Group the PR agency that manages the PR and Marketing of the games) have been our Media Partners for the 2019 season and as you can see, the list contains some of the best media houses in the country and its not by chance that they partnered with us. It’s because of our core values and what we stand for. Ian Rumanyika added.
And with no doubt, they provided the participating companies enough media mileage. Talking about continuous growth of the games, Corporate Games attracted the sponsorship of NEC Uzima water as the games’ official water partners in the 7th outing.
All this is able to happen because of the uniqueness of the game’s leadership.
Its also important to note that Corporate Games has the most entertaining unique games for corporate and here is a list of the games that companies took part in the 2019 season; Soccer, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, Cycling, Woodball, Chess, Athletics, Tag of war, sack race, paint ball shooting, swimming, darts and the three legged race that was introduced in the 9th and final outing of the season.

Fiduga Limited were the overall champions of the three-legged race beating SCD Darling and Uganda National Metrological Authority (UNMA) who came second and third respectively. Mandela National Stadium clinched the 4th position just above Joint medical Stores who were the fifth. Royal Vanzanteen came 7th just below new comers Rapid Advisory who managed to grab the 6th spot. Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), Orion Transformers, Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) finished 8th, 9th and 10th respectively.
In sack racing Ministry of Finance finished second above Mandela National Stadium who booked themselves the third spot in both the men and women’s sack race.
One the games that has been played in all the outings is football. Some of the results of the soccer played in the last outing are,
Minsitry of Finance 4-0 Mandela National Stadium
Uganda Industrial Research Institute 1-3 Mengo Hospital
Next Media 0-3 Uganda National Bureau of Standards
SCD Darling 2-0 Royal Vanzanten
UMC Victoria University 1-1 Oryx Energies
Efc Uganda Ltd 1-3 Ministry Of Science & Technology
Mandela National Stadium 0-0 Mengo Hospital
Ministry Of Finance 0-0 Uganda National Bureau Of Standards
Uganda Industrial Research Institute 1-1 Royal Vanzanten
Next Media 0-3 Uganda Baati
Umc Victoria Hospital 0-4 Orion Transformers
Efc Uganda Ltd 3-5 Uganda National Meteorogical Authority
Mengo Hospital 2-2 Uganda National Bureau Of Standards
Mandela 1-3 Royal Vanzanten
Ministry Of Finance 0-0 Uganda Baati
Uganda Industrial Research Institute 0-1 Scd Darling
Next Media 0-1 Joint Medical Stores
Fiduga 0-0 Orion Transformers
Uganda Baati 2-2 Joint Medical Stores
Fiduga 0-1 Uganda National Meteorogical Authority
Ministry Of Science & Tech 0-1 Orion Transformers
Oryx Energies 1-4 Uganda National Meteorogical Authority
Scd Darling 1-0 Joint Medical Stores.
Some of the companies that were involved with the Corporate games in the 2019 season are… Oryx Energies, Red Pepper, Royal Van Zanteen, Uganda Industrial Research Institute, Joint Medical Stores, Fiduga, UNSCT, Uganda National Meteorological Authority, NRMO, EFC MDI, Ministry of Science and Technology, Kwese free sports, SCD Darling, Uganda Parliamentary Press Association, Uganda Baati, Next Media(NBS and Sanyuka), UNBS, Orion Transformers, UMC Victoria Hospital, Rapid responses, Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic development, Mandela National Stadium, Cavendish University, UBC TV, Mengo Hospital, Uganda National council of science and Technology, Ashton events (Our events management partners), Baliks Ltd (photography partners)

The 2019 season will officially be wrapped up with an Awards Dinner on the 29th November 2019 at Royal suites Hotel(an invite only event) where different companies will be awarded for their excellent performance in different areas throughout the 2019 season.
The CORPORATE GAMES 2020 season shall kick off on the 2nd February 2020 starting with the Corporate Run as a curtain raiser of the season, with an outing every first Sunday of each month. All games shall be played per the events calendar which shall be provided whereas soccer will be continuous through every outing.
The outings provide an excellent platform for any company to showcase & promote their products and services to over 2,000 participating corporate staff in addition to the general public that access the facility at no cost.