MENGO – The State Minister for Sports Hon. Hamson Obua will be the chief guest at the 2020 FUFA Ordinary General Assembly.
Hon. Obua’s attendance at the Assembly was communicated by the Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA), CEO Edgar Watson at a press conference held on Wednesday, October 7.
This will be the 96th Ordinary General assembly organised by the FUFA.
This year’s Assembly will be at Silver Springs Hotel in Kampala on Saturday, October 17 2020.
Speaking at the press conference, Watson stressed that the Federation is prepared to host the assembly which will be attended by only a few invited guests.

“We are ready and set to go ahead with this year’s Assembly, said Watson.
“This year’s Assembly will be attended by only a few invited guests due to the fact that COVID-19 SOPs need to be followed criticality.”
The Ordinary General assembly is an annual meeting organised by FUFA as per the National Council of Sports guidelines and mandate.
This is where FUFA members convene to discuss several issues and make key decision. It is held before October 31st every year.
Last year’s assembly was held in Ajumai while that of 2018 was in Kabale.
The assembly at Silver Springs Hotel will be by invite and its attendance will be under strict guidelines.
It will also be broadcast live on all FUFA social media platforms and FUFA Radio. The media who will attended the event will be accredited.
Aside from Hon. Obua, representatives from National Council of Sports, Uganda Olympic Committee and the Uganda Premier League will also be in attendance.
All 34 FUFA Member associations are expected to attend. These include the 16 UPL clubs, Big League, 8 Regional league representatives, Women football Association and the 8 Special interest groups.
Each member has a delegate who constitutes the assembly.
The assembly is also attended by Chairmen of the different Regions who deliberate but are not eligible to vote.
Key points at this year’s Assembly
-Approval of FUFA financial statements.
-Activity report of FUFA will be presented and approved
-Budget for FUFA will be scrutinized and approved.
-New members will be inducted including UPDF and MYDA. The third member who will be promoted to the UPL will be determined after the Big League playoffs.
-Approval of judicial bodies
-Approve and appointing electoral committee for upcoming FUFA elections.