LOUISVILLE – Five years after the death of Mohammed Ali, his daughter, joined many from around the globe to celebrate the legacy of “The Greatest” through a documentary, “City of Ali.”
During the time of his death, the U.S. was experiencing unrest over the police killings of Black people. Today is much the same following other high-profile killings of Black people including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in Ali’s hometown of Louisville.
“I think daddy would have been all over Black Lives Matter movement. In fact, he inspired the Black Lives Matter movement because he started it.
“I mean, he didn’t start it but he was part of it. He was walking in the streets, he was campaigning for his people, he was trying to get rights for his people who were being killed in Vietnam and being discriminated against and spat at and killed ” said Rasheda Ali, Muhammad Ali’s daughter.
As one of the highest profile conscientious objectors and someone who spoke out against racial inequality, Ali remains a symbol of resistance and strength to many in Louisville.
” You know, his whole life he sacrificed so much for equality for everyone, for inclusion and for peace and love between us all, and he would say, ‘Don’t stop fighting. Keep on, keep the movement going,'” she further stressed.
Keeping Ali’s legacy alive is the goal of the Muhammad Ali Center. The Louisville museum and multicultural center educates people about Ali and teaches the core principles he lived by — confidence, conviction, dedication, respect, giving and spirituality.
“We should honor my dad by continuing his goal to implement change and continue to encourage inclusion, love, racial justice, peace and all the things that he stood for. And if we do that, then I think that we are one step closer in making this world a place that we’re proud to be a part of ” Rasheda added.
To celebrate his life on the anniversary of his passing, the center, which also participated in the documentary, is holding an Ali Festival through June 13, with screenings of “City of Ali” taking place daily.
“City of Ali” is also available for streaming through Abramorama’s Watch Now at Home Cinema Release.